Dec 30, 2021
It was the best first experience I had and I have gained good amount of knowledge where I am applying that to my day to day life . It's inspiring . Thank you Coursera , Thank you Stanford University.
Dec 6, 2020
Foods and us have a relationship, and this course defines that relationship. Personally, this course provides positive experience for me in regards of food, meal preparation, and eating in moderation.
By Venn_T
•Feb 3, 2020
The course was very helpful. Since this is an introduction, I finally get a good intro to food and health. It is great. However, it needs some more reading and probably more questions in the tests to make it better. All in all, very great class and I recommend joining it.
By MArius
•Mar 15, 2023
Interesting course. What I did not like was the amount of sugary ingredients to be used in the recipes(especially sugar). I do know sugar is a main problem of the western diet but it looks like we are not ready to acknowledge this. Otherwise, very interesting. Thank you!
By Rochelle S
•Apr 25, 2020
I certainly enjoyed, this course. I found the information you have prepared valuable. I would definitely recommend to anyone who wants/needs to gain insight knowledge and a better understanding about Food and Health. Hope to study here again in the future.
My rating 4.7
By Viviana G
•Apr 18, 2020
Great course! Loved it and am thankful to have been able to complete it. This is where I first began to really understand nutrients. I would like to see an updated version as in 2020 there is more information that would be relevant and useful in this course syllabus!
By Livnat B
•Feb 27, 2016
The course was informative, condense to be easily understood, and was well done. I left the course eager to learn how to cook!
I think the course could have demanded / pushed the students a little more to think about this deeper.
I am excited to try out the recipes!
By kathleen s
•May 17, 2022
I have heard it all before, but it doesn't hurt to hear it again, and again, and again. Slowly the advice sinks into my thick skull...I appreciate all the advice and the cooking videos and recipes!!! Thank you for a great course...I'll be back again, and again....
By Taheera A
•Oct 23, 2020
Simple and easy to follow course that gives you the basics that you need in order to make healthier choices when it comes to food and shopping. It gives you the general knowledge needed in order to make informed decisions when it comes to buying and preparing food.
By Shannon H
•Jan 24, 2016
Michael Pollan is wonderful! Great fundamental tips. Music can be distracting. Maya's speech is a bit slow...Pollan's pace was stronger. Visuals were clean and easy to digest. Content was succinct and memorable. Appreciated the brevity of the videos. Thank you.
By ankur s
•Apr 10, 2020
I got a good basic insight abot food and eating habits. The way Maya makes her receipes is too orgasmic. I mean she has taken cooking and eating healthy to a new level of awareness. Overall a good course to study the concepts of food, nutrition and health. Thanks.
By Michelle B
•May 11, 2018
Great, very short, introduction to health. A very good starting point. I would love to learn a lot more, but I think this is something you can go through in an hour and take something away from. Would not pay for this certificate, but would still recommend taking!
By valerie r
•Feb 16, 2023
I'd like to thank everyone who took part in creation of this course. Two weeks that I spent for studying were incredibly useful and interesting for me. I hope this information will help me to lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy relationship with food.
By p u
•Jun 9, 2020
very useful as an overview for beginners who have very less idea on nutrition. but i wouldn't recommend it for someone who wants to gain expertise in diet planning ( for themselves or other). its very basic and helps bursting some common myths and misconceptions.
By Mitch B
•Jan 30, 2016
Great information, but in some instances I would have liked to see the course delve a little deeper into the topic. This was a minor concern however, overall it provided the information that mattered, and did so in a simple and "easy to digest" manner. Well done!
By Julia S
•Jul 24, 2017
A pretty good course for beginners, or for those who simply wanted to be more educated on food and nutrition for the daily person. It is a little simple for those who have approximately a high school level knowledge of biology, but nevertheless, contains good ti
By Charl l R
•Apr 7, 2019
Very simple yet informative course to familiarize yourself with the basics of nutrition. It really gives you the opportunity to also think about what you put into your body, and gives you the knowledge necessary to make better decisions regarding your own diet.
By surya p
•Jul 2, 2022
An excellent introduction to health, nutrition, and food. But the point of focus is mostly about western food, which I couldn't relate to most of the time. Nevertheless, I did enjoy the course's strong foundation regarding health, consumption, nutrition, etc.
By Doan V
•May 7, 2020
I already knew most of this, but it is very helpful and I like the easy A.
It's nice to have an easy course once in a while and it will still look good on a resume.
And it's nice to have what you already know reinforced. Though I do wish it had more content.
By Victoria A R
•Jun 11, 2017
El curso me pareció muy interesante y dinámico. PreferirÃa que en los cuestionarios pusieran preguntas de mayor reto y omitieran las que verdaderamente no tienen ningún sentido.
Felicitaciones! Me encanta coursera y me inscribiré a otro curso.
Gracias y saludos.
•Dec 7, 2021
i came to learn many important things as nutrients their requirements, amount in our plate ,what to eat and what to avoid, buy what and what not, right way to check ingredients list over the packaging and many more thank you for this course i really enjoyed.
By Mostafa E
•Aug 28, 2017
this amazing and useful course is a great opportunity for everyone to really know more about food and how to improve the quality of it for a better health with amazing and very easy and useful explanation. it was really great opportunity to take this course
By Michelle P
•Feb 3, 2025
To the point, easy to understand. Certainly something I needed to learn because nutrition is our body’s fuel. Crazy to think the food industry can get away with the way some of the false info. that is put on labels. I hope this changes in the near future.
By Judite N
•Feb 24, 2023
Achei as receitas muito saudáveis, práticas e de preparo rápido. Aprendi como melhorar o meu preparo de panquecas. Mas, achei que receitas não incluirem também aqueles que são intolerantes a ao leite e seus derivados. Por isso a minha avaliação é de 4.5
By Ginny B
•Oct 4, 2021
Well presented with not too much information per session. For people who haven't got much basic knowledge about nutrition and healthy eating in practical terms. Just a refresher if you have done any health education or home economics classes at school.
By Anjali H
•Dec 26, 2020
I like the information provided here but being an individual keen on nutrition, all this information was rather basic for me. I would have preferred a more detailed course. Nevertheless I quite enjoyed it and Maya seems very sweet and talented. Thank you.
By Yokebec S
•Jun 9, 2017
All the videos are very well produced and the information is easy to understand. Maybe is a good idea explore more content because a lot of information is available free in the documentary "In defense of food" (Michael Pollan) also in these video lessons.