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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Firm Level Economics: Consumer and Producer Behavior by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

2,438 ratings

About the Course

All goods and services are subject to scarcity at some level, which requires that society develop some allocation mechanism to determine who gets what. Over recorded history, these allocation rules were usually command based, meaning that the king or the emperor would decide. In contemporary times, most countries have turned to market-based allocation systems. In markets, prices act as rationing devices, encouraging or discouraging production and encouraging or discouraging consumption to find an equilibrium allocation of resources. To understand this process, businesses construct demand curves to capture consumer behavior and consider supply curves to capture producer behavior. The resulting equilibrium price “rations” the scarce commodity. You will be able to: • Describe consumer behavior as captured by the demand curve and producer behavior as captured by the supply curve • Define equilibrium and explain the impact of taxes and price controls on market equilibrium • Explain elasticity of demand • Describe cost theory and how firms optimize given the constraints of their own costs and an exogenously given price This course is part of Gies College of Business’ suite of online programs, including the iMBA and iMSM. Learn more about admission into these programs and explore how your Coursera work can be leveraged if accepted into a degree program at

Top reviews


Feb 17, 2020

Larry is one of my all time favorite professors. No one teaches price theory like him. He makes the material entertaining and creates an enjoyable learning experience. I wish he taught more courses.


Sep 12, 2019

This was awesome. I did not know Firm Level Economics when I joined this course. The explanations were simple and Prof DeBrock explained really difficult concepts in a very easy to understand manner.

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551 - 566 of 566 Reviews for Firm Level Economics: Consumer and Producer Behavior

By K M B 1

Mar 6, 2021


By Chơn N V

Oct 3, 2020


By Hashara D

Jun 27, 2020


By Rahul B

Jun 13, 2020


By Waduge P P

May 21, 2020



May 16, 2020


By Jeni S

Mar 12, 2016

Very few topics are covered. Although all the topics that are included are explained very beautifully.

By O. I E

Nov 17, 2020

The best about this course is Professor DeBrock. That is it.

By Kingsley O

Jul 22, 2017

Particularly like its focus current on events.


Mar 1, 2021


By Nayan J

Jan 16, 2022


By Yevgenii P

May 5, 2019

Pretty useless as a part of Online MBA. I assume Managerial Economics is a common course for every MBA, but in its current version, the course doesn't provide much value. It won't help me understand the business or the industry better. The knowledge is really general and not related to actual life. Even examples are from Industry sector, while all modern economies are powered by the Service sector.

Still, thank you for not adding formulas and complex calculations (so far). The quality of video, audio, and graphs is okay as well.

By Jayasinghe M S S J

Jun 10, 2020

I cannot earn my certificate without give identify card image .how I trust this course. I want get my certificate

By Amit K

Jul 28, 2020

Unable to audit the entire program.


Jul 17, 2020
