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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review by Georgia Institute of Technology

610 ratings

About the Course

The purpose of this course is to review the material covered in the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam to enable the student to pass it. It will be presented in modules corresponding to the FE topics, particularly those in Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Each module will review main concepts, illustrate them with examples, and provide extensive practice problems....

Top reviews


Apr 17, 2016

This course was a good refresher which hit a lot of topics covered on the FE exam. I supplemented this course with some reference books and the NCEES manual and I was able to pass the FE Exam.


Jul 22, 2020

What an excellent and remarkable experience i had during this period thanks to georgia tech university for this amazing opportunity i hope to fully having a degree at the university sometime.

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1 - 25 of 157 Reviews for Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review

By Pearl


Aug 10, 2017

I am out of school about 10 years and this course helped me to brush on the fundamental knowledge of engineering courses and further encouraged me to take the FE exam with vari

By Pramod D


Dec 9, 2018

These are best videos for the Working professional who can not devote much time reading the test material. Nicely explained !

By Arvind K


Apr 17, 2016

This course was a good refresher which hit a lot of topics covered on the FE exam. I supplemented this course with some reference books and the NCEES manual and I was able to pass the FE Exam.



Mar 25, 2021

The videos are good for brushing up on the topics especially if you haven't been in school for a while. However, the course isn't monitored by the professor or any staff so questions in the forum tend to go unanswered. There are errors in the videos and the professor uses some outdated formulas that aren't in the handbook. Paying the fee doesn't get you worked out solutions or even the answers to questions you miss. If you pay the fee, when you take the quiz it will simply tell you if you got the question right or wrong.

By Caleb R


May 11, 2020

Several mistakes in graded material and in lectures. Luckily there is a steady enough stream of us fools who purchased this course that there always seems to be "peers" willing to help with the confusion.

There is no moderator responding to concerns or questions.

Save your money and your frustration, don't buy this course.



Oct 16, 2020

Respected Sir your method of teaching is marvellous. Even an average students can learn a very difficult subject very easily. Thank you.


By Art E


Sep 29, 2017

This is really Fundamentals of Engineering: Civil and Environmental. No thermo, no dynamics, no electricity covered. Many quiz questions are either improperly stated or have straight-up incorrect answers. These mistakes have been logged in the discussion forums, but no changes have been made.

By Eric N


Jan 22, 2017

I graduated eight years ago and never took the FE. After some pressure at work I decided to take it, but I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a review course. After completing this course and doing the practice exam, I was able to pass the FE on the first try. This review course is very good because the topics which are discussed are discussed in detail. I would also recommend getting a review manual that goes over all the possible topics. I had a number of questions on engineering economics. Thank you to the professor for providing this wonderful course.

By Dejene Y


Jan 12, 2016

This is a fantastic course that helped me prepare for the EIT exam. Thanks for providing this and it is greatly appreciated.

By Max F


Jul 15, 2019

This is the best free course available online to review the contents for the FE exam

By Siddharth B


Jan 9, 2018

A great coverage of the essential topics for the FE exam. This course helped me refresh some of the most challenging concepts at great speed. I was able to wrap up my preparation in less than 2 months and pass my FE on the first try.

By Austen H


Dec 24, 2016

The lectures do exactly what you need. He starts with just enough theory to help you understand a concept and then jumps into applying equations and solving example problems. The biggest problem is that there are examples that are wrong every once in a while during the lectures and one or two in each quiz. It's not a huge deal because sometimes figuring out where he went wrong helps you to understand the problem better. It can be annoying for some examples though.

By Jill J


Jan 8, 2018

Would have given a 5 start review if there weren't so many errors in the practice problems. I took the FE once and didn't pass. After going through this course a lot of the problems I struggled with on the exam were covered here. It has been over a year since I graduated and this course was a great refresher.

By Ashley C


Apr 19, 2020

It was super informational and really great. I just feel that sometimes the video goes a bit to fast if your trying to take notes and follow along with the videos. Also, as someone who recently took the exam once I would say that some of the questions are not on the exam but is good information to know.

By Abhinav M


Jul 3, 2020

Written Material or PDFs of slides should be made available along with reference handbook

By Brian S


Jun 25, 2017

Good overall, but doesn't cover every FE topic, and has several mistakes in examples

By Joana T


Jul 3, 2017

There were a few mistakes throughout each week, in the videos as well as the quiz. If the mistakes were updated, at least in the quizzes, the experience can be improved.



Jul 22, 2020

What an excellent and remarkable experience i had during this period thanks to georgia tech university for this amazing opportunity i hope to fully having a degree at the university sometime.

By Daniel E


Oct 18, 2021

This course along with a few other additional resources helped me pass the FE exam on my first try (about 3 years post degree). Thank you!

By Edwin D


Jan 5, 2022

The Good: Well presented, enjoyable. When I took it I was feeling lazy & it got me started on preparation. It did help me get the hardest 5% of the questions. The Bad: Prepares you for 5% of the exam by focusing on the toughest corner case questions - questions you don't need to get right to pass. I appreciated the course but it's just not the best way to spend your time. Far better to knock out practice exams. Read your calculator manual - the single most important thing is to know your calculator manual from cover to cover. The TI is pretty good but the Casio is better.

By Jason P


Mar 14, 2020

Great basics review and refresher since I have been out of school for 10 years. I wish the errors in the quizzes and lectures would have been addressed (many people point them out in the discussion forums to be ignored), but overall good value if you need an affordable way to brush up.

By Austin D


Nov 9, 2019

Great review for the exam. It would've been easier if the sections in the Handbook were specified better. For example, when covering a topic, tell us exactly where it is located in the handbook instead of us taking time to find it.

By Mohammad P


Jun 8, 2023

Hello, thank you for your efforts in the course. It was very useful and beautiful. I hope you will always be healthy and happy. Mohammad Pakzad from Iran.

By Lay C


Oct 16, 2021

Very informative but has few errors in the questions but its passable

By Brandon R


Apr 6, 2019

Solid review course to get you back into some of the topics on the FE Civil exam. Be forewarned that the professors do not check the emails of students. Many threads in the discussion forums mention incorrect problems/answers on the quizzes. Some threads are 2+ years old and have not been responded to by anyone at Georgia Tech.