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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Our Earth's Future by American Museum of Natural History

804 ratings

About the Course

Our Earth’s Future is about the science of climate change and how to talk about it. You will learn from scientists in the fields of climatology, oceanography, Earth science, and anthropology who study how climate change is affecting people, populations, and ways of life. Explore the multiple lines of evidence for the human-induced climate change that is happening today, and consider what that means for the future of our planet. At the end of this course you will be able to understand key scientific principles, identify and address misconceptions, and contribute confidently to conversations about climate change....

Top reviews


Aug 30, 2020

Really enjoyed this and learned new terminology, plus difficulties of prediction, use of risk assessments for varying aspects of climate change. Interesting papers to read and additional resources.


Mar 29, 2021

A great and relatively simple format of teaching those unfamiliar with the science climate & climate change. Or even merely as a review for anyone with a background in this field of study.

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201 - 225 of 255 Reviews for Our Earth's Future

By M P


Dec 6, 2022

Overall the course had lots of in depth information on climate sciences, however they would need to be updated and renewed as they are quite old. I enjoyed the way the main presenter approached learning material in the beginning, but I found the guest lectures to be of a higher level of difficulty than what was outlined for the course.

The readings could be updated with real-world articles, rather than summaries of what was learned in guest lectures so that they can be more engaging and better applied to the end of module quizzes.

The material was presented in a traditional "climate change education" stance - lots of information but at times could be quite gloomy, with less emphasis on concrete initiatives. I would have loved to have seen more tangible and positive examples of social/community oriented projects, as well as a deeper discussion on how we frame and communicate about climate sciences in education.

By Sylvie B


Jan 10, 2020

I enjoyed the diversity of content across the 5 modules. The reading that follows a video is typically a repeat, and one more comprehensive, than the video itself. Pressed for time, one should do the reading. The pre-quiz is excellent preparation for the quiz, with many questions being repeated in a slightly different form. After this course, I completed a self-assessment of my own carbon emissions to establish a baseline from which I will strive to take actions to reduce my emissions. I've identified air travel as the my area for change. Thank you for being a positive influence

By Franklin F


Oct 3, 2019

I really liked the course. I expected to see more about the plant's paper on the climate change or alternatives for decrease the greenhouse gases for urban people. The data from quantification of CO2 of consuming meet, ride by car, trucks, etc. could be a interesting way to comprove the anthropogenic emission of CO2. I liked to much, but I think it could be near of us, by the suggestions of alternatives to mitigate CO2 for urban people. Congratulations for the great course. I thank you to much for the opportunity.

By Megha P


Oct 30, 2020

I feel its an wonderful course.i had tears in my eyes when i read regarding people's problem in pacific Islands.Its like other countries emit greenhouse gases but some else suffer.I basically couldnt understand week 2 (oceanography)videos .But other week videos were clear enough for me to understand. Thanku soo much for providing this course to the public and educating us about climate changes.



Jul 12, 2020

It was a very informative course for climate change. Also, I have always wondered about the relationships between past geological time scale events and today's climate. It helped me to understand which tools they use behind the scenes for the climate models. They give very brief explanations with more relatable examples to understand scientific terms.

By Heather C


Sep 28, 2020

The main presenter was very good at summarising the sessions I; her introductions. There was a bit too much variation in the level and f difficulty and technical language between presenters. Some sessions were difficult to understand. Overall I liked the structure, the way cause effect, probability, risk and mitigation were covered.

By Amber N


Jun 4, 2020

I enjoyed the class. it was well organized. The wording in practice and quiz questions could be a bit confusing, as were some lectures. I did take away a star due to the last week of lectures: They were super dry and confusing at times, especially the lecture on probabilities. All in all, I am happy with the class.

By katie m


Feb 7, 2019

This course goes into a lot of detail about the impact of climate change, and some detail as to why it happens, the speakers were all very clear. I thoroughly enjoyed this course, but would like to see more detail as to how climate models are formed and why climate change will have effects on weather in the future

By Elena


Jun 28, 2017

That was pretty interesting, but sometimes that was boring a little bit. Actually I learned a lot of stuff about climate, and my mind completely changed about it. So, I can say if you are interested about climate change and all this stuff, I would really recommend you to enroll this course))

By Jeff Y


Aug 5, 2016

Pretty well presented through different views, sources and media. What could be improved upon is putting some effort into tying the disparate parts together and making a coherent course that flows seamlessly from part to part and shows how everything is connected to each other.

By Induja S


Apr 28, 2020

The first modules were really good...But gradually I feel the content got reduced...Anyways, it was indeed a great experience..I got lot of valuable information.The videos and the lectures were all of good standard..So in short, a nice course..

By L M


Apr 11, 2020

The course was excellent,and the faculty were able to explain the basic concepts very conceptually. Would have rated it five stars if the additional resources links worked. Most of the additional resources are dated, and no longer exist.

By Carolina C


May 9, 2022

I liked this course. I learned many things about how the weather is changing before our eyes. As little by little we are destroying the earth and we are not aware. I learned that this is our home and there is no other like it.

By Deepali D


Apr 15, 2020

The course was excellent, gave me an in-depth understanding of Climate System the different roles played by the ecosystem. It also gave an insight into small changes that can positively impact the global climate change.

By Antipova E


Aug 7, 2019

Great course, interesting lectures, though, I missed a little bit some kind of explanations of particular measures that could be taken on a daily basis to mitigate our impact on the global climate change

By Wendy M


Oct 28, 2018

Really enjoyed this and learned new terminology, plus difficulties of prediction, use of risk assessments for varying aspects of climate change. Interesting papers to read and additional resources.

By Mai-An C


Oct 29, 2016

Really good course with useful information and case studies. Introduced new concepts that I was unfamiliar with. However, a few of the lectures were a bit tedious and difficult to concentrate on.

By Angela S


Jul 23, 2020

The class is good in general. The part about the ocean was extremely informative. I think it could have be better if the class brought up more problems that climate change could ignite.

By Michelle G


Jun 3, 2017

I did enjoy the concepts..but it seemed like the information might have been dated. But it gave me lots to think about and contemplate and be able to share with others.

By stefanie c


Mar 29, 2019

The science background information about climate change was fantastic however there were a lectures that could have been more concise. Overall, it was wonderful!

By Meghana I


Sep 28, 2019

Loved the information this could give me just I was hoping to also understand how to tackle some of these issues from an individual grassroot level.

By Xavier V


Sep 15, 2019

It´s really good. I just think that they should update the info, like how 2016 was the hotter year so far, and the new info about climate research

By Gabriela L F


Oct 29, 2017

Great course! Very clear and concise. I could actually understand and learn about the complexity of climate and climate change. Thank you!!!

By Dani


Apr 9, 2020

Very informative: there are many essential understandings to be gained by completing this course. Some of the content could be updated.

By Claire C


Jan 7, 2020

interesting and well taught course. It could have had another week of course with suggestions on how to reduce emissions and solutions