Jan 7, 2023
Amazing course and highly recommended. I really appreciated how thorough and well-explained each step was. The questions throughout the video and the quizzes at the end really helped me to focus.
Nov 3, 2023
This course help me understand my condition with reading so much better and thanks to the people who took the time out to help folks like me. I learned so much and enjoyed it in the process.
By Anissa U
•Feb 5, 2023
The course was very informative. People of color
need to see
of people that look like us. The only black person
was an athlete diagnosed well into adulthood. All others were white highly successful and diagnosed at a young age giving them a huge
advantage to be successful. Dyslexia seems
to benefit
white people
at a huge
why this is so. Thanks
By Jonathan A N
•Jan 14, 2023
There were parts of the course which seemed repetitive, it was nice to be able to take this course at my own pace from my home. As a dyslexic myself and working with students who are also dyslexic this course was both affirming and informative.
By Jeanne G
•Jan 28, 2023
A deep insight in all areas affecting Dyslexic individuals. This book / course should be required reading for all professionals in education from k-college and adult educators.
By Debbie S
•Mar 28, 2023
I learned so much from this course! It has really opened my eyes to what dyslexia really means, and what I can do to make my students succeed.
Sally Shaywitz is a rock star!
By Mariam A
•Dec 24, 2022
It's a great course and great content I'd love to recommend it to anyone but:
I gave this course 4 stars out of 5 because I expected to see
1) More deep information about symptoms of dyslexia in adults and how to deal with it.
2) More deep information about key strength of dyslexics.
By Cinthy H
•Aug 13, 2023
I have read Overcoming Dyslexia prior to this course, however this course brought the information to life. The course gives me confidence to build a bridge to struggling students and parents.
By Yasmin C
•Apr 4, 2023
This is a very good course. I thank Sally and Coursera a lot for the course.
Some suggestions -
1. Instead of the lectures mostly monologues, to have them in the form of interviews where a passionate and enthusiastic person interviews Sally.
2. to talk about the varying levels of dyslexia - it gives the impression that all dyslexics are smart - is that true? Or it that some are below average, average and above average just like in the entire population?
3. to clarify about the extra time in exams - is it just to compensate for slowness in reading ? or also slowness in thinking - I'm a bit confused about this part since it's mentioned that dyslexics are great thinkers.
All in all, it's a great course, I would recommend to anyone interested in this area.
By Jesse-Marie L
•Feb 28, 2023
By Jennifer C
•Jan 7, 2023
Amazing course and highly recommended. I really appreciated how thorough and well-explained each step was. The questions throughout the video and the quizzes at the end really helped me to focus.
By Liesl P
•Jul 25, 2023
I have learned so much these past few days. Thank you, Mrs Sally Shaywitz! I am incredibly grateful as being an Early Years teacher, this course will help me with my little learners.
By Alive2Show
•Dec 17, 2023
Uncontrollable tears gushed out of eyes when I heard and saw Dr. Sally's final words... the 90% Dyslexic that are under the water. I can't seem to find the right words to use in my review about this course, and, I know Dr. Sally clearly understands why, because, being Dyslexic and never understanding why, I Think differently, Solve problems differently, Teach Preschoolers and Kindergartens differently, Act on stage and in movies differently, I tell great and original stories and I've not been able to write my personal screenplays because, am easy distracted and It takes me three days to finish a cohesive paragraph; after successfully completing Two (2) Screenwriting courses with Top Notch Creative Academies, won Awards from the films I co-joined with other writers that the academies produced (I just don't understand why I have writing difficulties). In addition to my strengths, I navigate through my challenges excellently, resilient and optimistic to succeed in everything I enjoy doing, super ability to technically, logically or scientifically identify future problems or root causes of problems before the show up, always coming first in any given task with my team mates if they adhere to some of my suggestions, As an adult I was able to build my self-esteem and a winners mindset ; so, I never fail at any given tasks, my opinions are always sorted after in any group I belong, only to realize that the ONE QUESTION I had longed for an answer since 2007 just came through... I am a DYSLEXIC adult. I still can't find the right words, and I know Dr. Sally knows why...as I try to control these tears and calm my overwhelmed emotions... Here they come---- ----I am glad I now know, I am grateful for the HOPE given, I am full of Joy to know that I am empowered with knowledge from this Course 'OVERCOMING DYSLEXIA', and finally, I feel blessed knowing that I have been on the path (since 2007) to rescue a few from the 90% in Nigeria. Now, I must figure out what I must do and I know I will succeed, because, I am Overcoming Dyslexia. Thank you Dr. S, Dr. B, Dr. J and Rocky!
By Judih W H
•Jan 29, 2023
This is a marvelous course, dealing with every aspect of Dyslexia, what it is and how to recognize it from the earliest age, who might be at risk for being dyslexic, how to work with a small child and secure screening at kindergarten/first grade. And from there the evidence-based route to follow to help the dyslexic recognize the needs and how they may secure aids and accommodations. The stories of those who have overcome their reading disorder in order to fulfill their professional potential, and then how to deal with society to get the support required. The number of dyslexics in our society and how the majority are not finding the support and recognition they need. How the law now backs up Dyslexics to get the necessary accommodations to function at the level they are capable of. Educators, advocates, parents, friends and those with Dyslexia, take this course. Dr. Shaywitz, and her incredible Dr. family are providing an extraordinary service in providing awareness of how to overcome dyslexia.
By Jesus P
•Mar 2, 2023
It helped me to not be afraid of who I am. Thanks for giving me the confidence to face my fear of being the only one like this and the tools that are offered with technology. Thanks Jesus Perez
By Dori R
•Dec 25, 2022
Amazing and informative! Great for anyone wanting to know about dyslexia and advocating for their child or others.
By john c
•Jan 2, 2023
A professional course for anyone who is interested in Dyslexia.
By Laura R C
•Mar 31, 2023
Very powerful- just some what repetitive. I didn't partically care for Coursera. I hit a few frustrating glitches.
By Cheng C
•Feb 1, 2024
The course is really just soso, I consider it a promotion of their book instead of giving out information. The course is mainly about introducing what is dyslexia but without any instructions of how we should train our kid to overcome it.
By Michele D S
•Aug 21, 2023
This class was very informative, helpful, and quite interesting. Sally Shaywitz M.D. is amazing! My eight year old grandson is severely dyslexic. It took many years of jumping through hoops to get any type of help. My daughter and I felt like his problems were falling on silent ears. He was put on many waiting lists for doctors, pyschologists, tutoring, testing, etc. Eventually, we were told by a school psychologist that he had a specific learning disability which was not described to anyone. The school district in PA where we live, would not even entertain the discussion of dyslexia. The IEP they created did very little to help his reading. My daughter and I are both educators and had a "gut feeling" that he was dyslexic. Again, the school district would not hear or discuss it. Finally, after many challenging years of doing anything we could to get him help, we found a private tutor who was trained in helping dyslexic readers using the Orton Gilliingham program for dyslexia.He is finally making slow strides, but for the first time, actually showed an interest in a book! He is very intelligent and fits Sally's description of a dyslexic person perfectly! This course helped me understand dyslexia, its tribulations and triumphs, and gave me hope for a wonderful life for my grandson knowing he will prevail! Thank you!
I truly believe that every single educator should be required to take a class on dyslexia before graduating from college or before beginning a teaching career. I know this would definitely change the way they would teach!
•Nov 22, 2023
The law section was especially helpful in learning how to go about advocating for self-determination of, in this case,people with dyslexia. It turned out wherever one is impairments bring out the best in people as well as the worst in particular, those who will never see other people's desperation. Education, Health and Human services tend to be inhumane. Thank you for the first time, putting out a course that is up-close and personal about the suffering of young and old with dyslexia. One thing that was mentioned in passing I'd like to share. Adults who have suffered strokes tend to have trouble retrieving information. They mean one thing but another word comes out. It's like saying "flies" instead of " fries". Is the neural pathway similar to those with dyslexia? The stories featured are just as scary and similar, it seems like, even though I 'm at the other side of the world.
By Audrey O
•Feb 12, 2023
I have recommended this course to parents and friends. I hope school districts use this course in their in service or at least get the book for a book study. I have members within my family that have overcome dyslexia and served as our district’s dyslexia specialist. This course covers many aspects that face the dyslexic from beginning to read through the workplace.
It is filled with useful information, resources and steps to take for overcoming dyslexia. Dr. Shaywitz delivers the information with such passion, empathy and heart that it is impossible to leave this course without feeling the need to reach out and share the information.
Thank you for bringing dyslexia into the light and giving hope to parents, teachers and students that being in the 20% may be difficult but it doesn’t define or limit you and in most cases enhances your perseverance and life view
•Jul 19, 2023
Thank you Coursera for giving me an opportunity to enroll this course "Overcoming Dyslexia". Moreover Thank you very much for the granted FINANCIAL AID.
I have an emotional and great experience in this course. Why am I emotional? because I am a high school teacher I only have a few information about dyslexia. I admit, failed many students in my class before because I thought non- readers are just lazy to read. It brings back the memories the mistakes I did to the slow and non readers. I feel so guilty. Because of this course, I can now understand and help the students. I promise to give extra time for them specially in reading. Dr. Sally Shaywitz is indeed INCREDIBLE !! You are truly an inspiration! This course is a life changing experience.
MARAMING MARAMING SALAMAT PO!! Coursera and Yale University!!
By April L
•Dec 9, 2024
This course is a great way for family members and educators alike to get a foundational understanding of dyslexia and how to support those with dyslexia. I highly recommend this course to higher education educators and school age educators and parents. The assistive technology and accommodation modules are a must for all educators to hear. The last modules empower parents and people with dyslexia on what they can do, and the laws put into place to help them overcoming barriers to show and live up to their full potential. Thank you, Coursera, and Shaywitz family for making this learning available to all with no cost, I appreciate it. Sincerely, a parent and a educator.
By Ardra K T
•Oct 11, 2024
When I started to work in a school setting, I was not able to screen dyslexia. This course really helped me understand how to screen, that it can be done by anyone who works closely with a child or adult, and also, screening is the first step of diagnosis. I think there is this habit of hiding symptoms of dyslexic under ADHD, ADD, Autism, Anxiety and more. This leads to working towards goals that sometimes never help them in their reading because priority always goes to behaviour in a school setting. Leaving behind the key skill of reading. My outlook towards reading itself have changed. Thanks to Dr. S.E. Shaywitz for making me understand all these.
By Marcelle P
•Jul 9, 2023
This course is an excellently conducted one. It provided a lot of important information about dyslexia and the ways in which people should deal with anyone who is diagnosed as dyslexic. All teachers should pursue this course as it will open their ideas and help them understand and appreciate how the dyslexic brain functions.
Educational planners in this country would also benefit as the information shared about the importance of accommodations and creating suitable laws will prevent the hiccups that are experienced during national and regional examinations where parents seek accommodations and are denied.
By Kaiquan M
•Jan 17, 2023
Good lectures and sharing by different speakers about
1. dyslexia
2. how people with dyslexia can succeed
3. what accommodations people with dyslexia need in school and taking tests
The in-video quizzes were too frequent for me and could have limited to appearing just all at one point in the video instead of having multiple in-video quizzes at multiple points in each video. Having just one point with all the in-video quizzes per video would really help people who are listening to the lecture while going about their day.