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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Digital Signal Processing 2: Filtering by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

191 ratings

About the Course

Digital Signal Processing is the branch of engineering that, in the space of just a few decades, has enabled unprecedented levels of interpersonal communication and of on-demand entertainment. By reworking the principles of electronics, telecommunication and computer science into a unifying paradigm, DSP is a the heart of the digital revolution that brought us CDs, DVDs, MP3 players, mobile phones and countless other devices. The goal, for students of this course, will be to learn the fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing from the ground up. Starting from the basic definition of a discrete-time signal, we will work our way through Fourier analysis, filter design, sampling, interpolation and quantization to build a DSP toolset complete enough to analyze a practical communication system in detail. Hands-on examples and demonstration will be routinely used to close the gap between theory and practice. To make the best of this class, it is recommended that you are proficient in basic calculus and linear algebra; several programming examples will be provided in the form of Python notebooks but you can use your favorite programming language to test the algorithms described in the course....

Top reviews


Aug 31, 2020

Excellent continuation to EPFL's DSP series. Be aware that the 3rd week requires a good foundation in statistics.


Oct 8, 2020

Best material on Signal Processing. Instructors emphasized on concepts. This course is enjoyable

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1 - 25 of 29 Reviews for Digital Signal Processing 2: Filtering


Aug 31, 2020

Excellent continuation to EPFL's DSP series. Be aware that the 3rd week requires a good foundation in statistics.

By Sailaja A

Mar 25, 2021

The course materials are good. Especially the practice homework problems are exceptional.

While doing tests, I cleared the exam with required percentage, but I had given 1 or two wrong answers. This course structure could be improved to help us see where we went wrong with those questions.

By Guillaume S

Dec 13, 2020

I really enjoyed this course. The slides are very clear, and the lecturer puts great emphasis on story, as in you always know why you take such and such detour, why such theorem is interesting in the grander scheme. Really helped me understanding core concepts of DSP. The homework are a must-do, as they offer complementary information to the lectures. They prepare well to the graded exams. I would say the time estimates given by coursera are quite unrealistic. I spent much more time on homeworks than the required 1h per week, more like 3-4h to get things down. But I could just be a slow learner. Anyway, will probably jump to the next course in the series DSP3.

By Sai C M

Oct 8, 2020

Best material on Signal Processing. Instructors emphasized on concepts. This course is enjoyable

By Mudith W (

Nov 28, 2020

This is a really good course that has very good exercises

By Soumya M

Dec 13, 2020

This course was very tough. But I did it :)

By Hernandez P J

Apr 21, 2022

It is a good starting point to know how DSP techniques are doing from a mathematical point of view. A deep knowledge allows to understand what is beneath the algorithms.

By Mukund C

Dec 21, 2021

Had to use a lot of outside material - mostly YouTube videos from Rich Radke and Barry Van Veen to complete this course.


Sep 5, 2020

Add some numerical problems and solve them in your video lectures for the better understanding of concepts.

By Yukihiro F

Apr 23, 2024

Maybe it could be beneficial for those who have previously studied DSP to review, but since I haven't, just watching the videos and consulting the designated textbook wasn't enough for me to even understand what was being asked on the tests. In order to barely achieve passing grades on the assignments, I had to spend more than ten times the duration of the videos provided in the course studying on YouTube. Because of this, it's challenging for me to evaluate this course positively. If there were sufficient explanations in the tests, I think I could have learned from them, but since there are basically no explanations provided, I'm left without understanding, which makes for a poor learning experience.

By Hassan E

Jun 13, 2023

the third week was like jumping into the ocean without knowing how to swim. I need to Google a lot to understand the concepts.

By Tommi J

Feb 18, 2021

Great quality maintained for this course as well - once again the lectures are full of clarity on the concepts, hammering home the real usefulness of the techniques shown and the homework assignments have been well designed to force learners to grasp the most important concepts. The Python notebooks are also a great addition. Although it's not necessary to pass the assignments and takes some extra time, as a further counterweight to the quite mathematical assignments I found it quite rewarding to write some Octave scripts to verify the correctness of my answers and to reinforce the connection between the maths and the practicality of the theories. Perhaps there could be added one or two home work assignments of designing filters to given requirements (this is covered in the lectures but perhaps not so present in the homework assignments). Looking forward to course 3!

By Dipanjan B

Jan 23, 2022

The design and functionality of digital filters are beautfully explained and the underline mechanism too. The mathematics part is fairly simplified for beginners like me. The examples with animations and codes are very helpful in understanding and implementing the fiilters in real life applications. I specially love the signal of the day videos. I would lilke to thank the instructurs for making this course so good and attracting.


Nov 28, 2020

Great course, many topics to understand and to study for what it comes. This really helped me as a path to study DSP.

By ganesh r

May 17, 2024

Excellent content. Right mix of mathematics formulation and implementation.

By Pramod H K

Jun 8, 2020

It was a wonderful learning experience.

By Raju M

Oct 14, 2023

Excellent course material

By M P R

Nov 1, 2020

good course and tough

By Mainak M

May 6, 2021

Very good course

By Omar S B

Jan 10, 2021

Excellent Course

By Hossein A M

Oct 7, 2020

Excellent course

By Vemula V A

Jun 19, 2021

nice course

By Cristobal E C M

Jul 26, 2020


By Ram K

Nov 4, 2024



Nov 8, 2020
