Jul 24, 2020
Very insightful and enlightening on how contact tracers manage the battle against COVID-19! Hopefully when this pandemic is over, we will remember this method in the many generations yet to come. ;)
Jun 25, 2020
Mejor imposible, muy didáctico, sobre todo con los videos explicativos donde las personas simulaban los casos. La explicación por parte de la Dra. Gurley fue sencillamente maravilloso. Muy recomendado
By Risa T
•May 26, 2021
I'm really grateful to have been able to complete the course and have now started working (after school hours through telephone) as a volunteer contact tracer.It has been very easy for the government to appoint me as a contact tracer as it was not necessary to train me since i'd the certificate of completion of the Coursera course. As far as I know, I'm the first in my state or indeed the region who has completed the course and volunteered with the government. The health workers in the Public Health Centre were very happy to have someone volunteer as the caseload has increased multiple times due to the current surge in Covid -19 cases in my country.
Thank you Coursera, and thank you Johns Hopkins University.
So thank you so much for offering this valuable course and I look forward to more new exciting courses from Johns Hopkins University. .
By James M
•May 25, 2020
Excellent!! Thoroughly enjoyed the subject matter. I haven't "grafted" like this since doing my first MA in Newcastle in the UK having to 'grind' in Stats. Dr. Gurley's voice is lovely, very pleasant to listen to and with her tenor and pace, she brings you along with the subject matter. I live in Manhattan and Volunteered at The Samaritan's Purse in Central Park. Many parents of friends of mine from Regis High School - Yes, that Regis H.S. where Dr. Fauci is a fellow alumnus, have since been killed by the SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19 Coronavirus. I hope to utilize this skill-set and hard earned Certificate from John's Hopkins to get a job as a Contract Tracer, so as to help my fellow New Yorkers. This has been rough and it's been deadly. Thank You for such well defined curriculum and great course material cum slide! Ad Contra Coronavirus!!
By Howard N
•May 27, 2020
The course was well organized and each lesson was delivered in concise but details segments. The scenario videos really helped to demonstrate the concepts being taught in the lesson. My only issue was in the "Addressing Process Complexities". I did not find where the PROCESS complexities occurred since the conversation flowed smoothly and the case responded as I would have hoped. When the person was asked if she could text, the response was YES instead of NO. Amy was speaking to the case who seemed to become ill, but she was not a contact. There was no discussion about issues in finding contacts. There was little to no discussion about the case's contacts. There was no noticeable issues with the technology. There was no mention of the ending of a shift. Although it was an effective scenario, I found it misplaced in that context.
By Nira H
•Aug 7, 2020
Great course--well paced and highly informative, both about the natural history of COVID-19 and about managing contact tracing. I found the instructor to be engaging, clear and interesting and the material clear and informative. The videos on contact tracing were especially helpful in illustrating how to actually conduct a contact tracing conversation and how to respond to comments in ways that are supportive without being judgmental.
The only jarring note, as others have mentioned, came from the videos on how to use the techniques correctly vs incorrectly: having one contact tracer always using the right approach and the other always making errors ended up raising issues about gender and race. I assumed this was unintended, but it is something to keep in mind as this course is revised to meet the changing standards.
By Paula M C
•Nov 3, 2020
This course was outstanding. I took extensive notes and will use the binder I created with them to help me obtain a job as a contact tracer and when I become a contact tracer. The course and sections are well organized and the information is presented in a easy format to understand. The instructor was fantastic; her voice, tone, speed and authority were on point for this important topic and this important job. The quizzes as the course went along were great prep for the final test and very helpful indicators of material understanding.
This course was the first on-line class I have ever taken and it was top, top notch. I learned everything the course presented and have a binder of full resources of all the material from the notes I took.
Thank You! I am off to try and help our community stop the spread of this virus.
By Shaliza H
•May 19, 2020
This has been an overall gratifying experience for me since i have been out of college for many many years, This is my first online course and the navigation was very clear and simple to follow. I have learnt the elements of investigative measures to retract information by asking the correct questions from the cases and contacts and the importance of factual detailed recording of my findings for the common good off public safety, Calculating the time frame off becoming infectious and spreading The SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 was of utmost importance as a tool in this course. I was refreshed on the outcome of rapport when effectively communicating with the general public and especially to obtain information to stop a deadly infectious disease in it's tracts. I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested.
By Eleanor D
•Jun 21, 2020
Dr. Gurley is an excellent trainer and educator. She is also brilliant, but you already know that.
I give Dr. Gurley and the curriculum a 10plus. I am a trainer and facilitator and am usually quite critical.
The quizzes after the modules really helped me to pass the test. By allowing us to retake the quizzes, over and over also helped me to learn and fully understand everything about Contact Tracing.
This has been the most positive thing I have accomplished during the pandemic.
Thank you, Dr. Gurley and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, for giving this gift to us and allowing us to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
If you ever need a stellar trainer and facilitator, please let me know! Hah!
Bravo, team. :-)
Thank you very much!
A very happy student,
Eleanor Derounian
By Kirsten J
•May 23, 2020
Excellent introduction to contact tracing and the skills needed for effective communication. The platform was smartly framed and presented, well paced, and user friendly. I took my time with it to fully digest the material - it definitely provided a clearer and more informative framework of the current COVID-19 pandemic than what I've been able to glean through various media sources. An abbreviated version of this course should be offered to the general public to help clarify the disease, its transmission, and the fluidity of information we have about it, as well as the need for contact tracing & public cooperation to benefit the public good. (I'd love to see it as a requirement in a High School/Health lesson plan.) I would have preferred more control over the notes/info I could highlight.
By Susan G I
•Oct 22, 2020
The classroom material given was excellent and well appreciated.- five star. The only downfall in this entire course was how the material was presented- referring to the computer. I find myself constantly searching, struggling and wasting a lot of time trying to maneuver my way though each lesson. The studied material was scattered as it jumped from one course to the other without finishing one section at a time.. This caused me to miss classes as it presented itself, therefore, I was not able to complete one section at a time. As I didn't realize I was missing classes until I was notified that a lot of sections were incomplete. Perhaps this was something I caused myself?
Thanks so much for your classes and your dedication to infectious diseases....well appreciated! Susan Imerone
By Nicasio A
•May 23, 2020
30.Question 30
Some technologies used in case investigation and contact tracing include:
Select all that apply
Apps that can check people’s temperature while they sleep
Automated text messages that ask cases and contacts about their symptoms daily
Automatically sending cases or contacts links to social services to help them isolate and quarantine
Phones that beep when someone with COVID-19 is nearby.
I selected all of this because with the application of an bluetooth, IoT, AI, and other enabling technologies, phones can be programmed beep when someone with COVID-19 nearby who has registered in the system can be tracked. It can also track people if they have a fever by wearing a special kind of bracelet with sensors. An oxymeter and a blood pressure reader are good examples.
Thank you.
By Iris A
•Jun 9, 2021
No hay limites, en mi caso no hablo ingles de manera fluida pero en la actualidad existen herramientas que te ayudan a lograr lo que desees, me pareció un curso sumamente interesante, amo aprender y el poder hacerlo asà y de manera gratuita es increÃble no aprende quien no quiere, tenemos todo a nuestro favor no hay limites, GRACIAS por tanta variedad de cursos y temas.
There are no limits, in my case I do not speak English fluently but currently there are tools that help you achieve what you want, I thought it was an extremely interesting course, I love learning and being able to do it like that and for free is incredible, it does not learn who does not want to, we have everything in our favor there are no limits, THANK YOU for such a variety of courses and topics,
By shaik d
•Nov 29, 2020
An excellent course, I'm so glad that I came across this course which helped Me to get an insight about the virus and the other factors that would be beneficial in identifying the people infected by the virus (case) and how to trace the contact, how transmission can be prevented if one makes use of the window of opportunity, etc, etc. The concept of Contact Tracing was explained really well. Especially, I like the way these concepts explained Me as to how to interact with the cases and the contacts. Honestly speaking, I've got a lot to tell but will restrict My review here. But; in the end, I would sincerely like to thank Miss Emily Gurley and her team for coming up with this course in order to educate people and their intention of doing public good :)
By Khin S W
•Aug 31, 2020
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Program is a great effective contact tracing protocols. I would love to thank a lot to Dr.EMILY GURLEY. After attending this lecturer, I have got more clearly about COVID-19, including signs and symptoms of the disease, how to transmitted between people and how to protect myself and others. I understood the meaning of incubation period for COVID-19, common symptoms of disease, difference between isolation and quarantine for the duration of incubation period. Moreover I exactly knew how to move on to initiating the contact tracing and the steps in case investigation and contact tracing. Finally I had the most effective communication with cases and contacts. I enjoyed this course and thank you so much my teacher and Coursera.
By Daniel D
•Sep 8, 2020
To Whom It May Concern,
Good afternoon.
1. Great instructors,
2. I am retired and 64, but I want to keep learning. I am on fixed income. It’s great there are ‘free’ courses. Unless you want to pay nominal amount for a completion certificate.
3. Also, the courses encourage ‘learning’ and ‘success’ by allowing us to take quizzes and tests a 2nd, 3rd or more times ..., if a person doesn’t pass the first time. This happened to me.
4. Also, being able to reset due dates and postponing when needed. This happened to me once with the 3 courses I have taken,
Just wonderful. I look forward to taking more courses from Coursera!
Thanks again!
By Jeanette W
•May 20, 2020
The COVID-19 Contact Tracing class was very thorough and detailed in outlining the skills needed to be a contact tracer as well as the steps performed in particular order when using these skills. The professor articulated cleanly what we would learn, repeated it multiple times in different formats, and checked for understanding. I thoroughly enjoyed the course. Thank you! Jeanette WhitingDo you have any advice on how to apply to be a contract tracer? I am a teacher with over 20 years experience who has been substituting the last few years. Due to the Corona Virus, I have not been able to make any money, and I think I would be good at this job as the interpersonal skills I have are definitely transferable. Any advice would be appreciated.
By Mary C
•May 28, 2020
This was the best on-line course I've ever taken. The instructor did an outstanding job of presenting the material in a clear, concise manner without oversimplifying the more technical information. I especially appreciated the emphasis on communications skills and the potential problems contract tracers encounter. The video interactions between the contract tracers, cases, and contacts was extremely helpful in showing how the communications principles are applied. The greatest benefit of this course is that I now have a much better understanding of how to manage the risk, information that will benefit my family and myself regardless of whether or not I pursue opportunities as a contract tracer. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
By Rohan A A
•Nov 23, 2020
Emily Gurley is AWESOME! I love how accessible and informative this course is, with a lot of useful information to help educate individuals on the COVID-19 contact tracing process and its alignment with key public health initiatives. The modules were interesting and I sailed through them as they had really engaging material. Furthermore, I felt completely prepared and set up to succeed on the final exam (scored 94% on the first try) and it was very affirming. My one and only feedback item would be that there would be a way to (securely) view the correct answers/responses to some of the exam questions and quiz modules so that we have the verifiable information to go out into the public with this knowledge and its application.
By Alexandra J S
•May 29, 2020
I really enjoyed the course and found it easy to engage with. The material flowed smoothly and each module was easy to understand. I also found the way the modules are split time-wise allows one to absorb the information more wholly. Intermittent quizzes are relevant, concise, and simply highlight the main learning points of the previous section. The Coursera app made it easy to complete the course anywhere I was. The professor does a wonderful job of covering the course material to the books so we learned and solidified necessary terms and tools for contact tracing. She went out of her way to explain the outliers that do exist in contact tracing. Informative, interesting, and important! Great course and worth the time invested.
By Yvette M
•Dec 22, 2020
The COVID-19 Contact Tracing course is a highly recommend course for anyone. If you are not looking to further your career as a Contact Tracer, you are now armed with information to protect yourself and others from a deadly virus. It is the responsibility of the society to be informed. Many seek information from the media; I would encourage people to get educated on the virus, how it's spread and how to stop it. The course is a game changer. Coursera did a fantastic job breaking the information down into short modules and quizzes for the student to test their own understanding. The class was easy! COVID-19 Contact Tracing is my first course. I plan to engage more and take more classes. This class is really good for everyone.
By Sandy M
•May 19, 2020
The course was very informative and thorough. Dr. Gurley is easy to understand and everything was clear. It was good to have the mini-quizzes throughout to reinforce what we just learned. Like another reviewer,I did take issue with the final quiz answer about droplets on shoes, because early in the pandemic, there was some evidence of possible (though not very likely) transmission through shoes. That was most likely in a health care setting and health workers were advised to change or remove their shoes before entering their homes, I believe. I have a personal bias against "I hear you" because it always sounds to me like something someone learned in an active listening course -- like the module here -- but that's just me.
By John H W J
•May 24, 2020
The course is complete with basic information a contact tracer would need. The course starts with basic and as the student goes through each section pertinent information is reinforced from previous class information. The quizzes give basic feedback to the student to see if he/she is understanding the presentation. Obviously this is just a start. If a person becomes a contact tracer then their supervisor will have to train him/her in the policies and procedures of their jurisdiction. Although I may never become a contract tracer, the information is quite informative. I have a better understanding of COVID-19. Should I ever become a case or contact I will better understand what is happening. Thank you Dr. Gurley.
By Melanie J T
•Sep 20, 2020
indeed the best way to combat panic is thru information. Thank you i learned so much and it has improved my thoughts on this infectious disease. Contact tracers needs a lot of patience and a huge caring heart to carry on with this job. I admire John Hopkins University for taking this big step towards information dissemination by allowing free registration. It will help a lot of people if more and more will learn the basics of proper handling of situations such as people who have been exposed in a case. Thank you for opening your doors. i'll do my part even in the smallest way i can, to help cease the spread of the virus and assist the government by way of helping spread the love and good information. #staysafe
By Teri D
•Oct 19, 2020
I have learned so much about Covid 19 during the course. All of the information was presented in a very organized, informative, easy to understand format. The instructor spoke very clearly and slowly enough for me to read, take notes, and listen to her at the same time. There were a few questions that I disagreed with, but then, I'm certainly not the expert in epidemiology! I especially appreciated the module titled Skills for Effective Communication. We can all put these skills for being a good listener and communicator to good use in our everyday lives. Having learned all of this information I now feel ready to put my knowledge to work and doing my part to help with this horrible pandemic.
By Barbara R S
•Feb 9, 2021
Taking this course provided valuable insight into contact tracing and the value of procedural, contextual, and communication processes. I became a Contact Tracer and took local training before finishing the course. Later I returned to finish the course and found additional insights useful to contact tracing. Especially powerful are the video clips throughout the course. The professor was clear, concise, and easy to follow. Excellent online presentation! Thanks for making this course publicly available at no cost. It's a real contribution in addressing the needs of the pandemic. Additionally, it helped me know this was a job well suited to my skills and personality.