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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Communication Science by University of Amsterdam

1,896 ratings

About the Course

Since Antiquity, scholars have appreciated the importance of communication: as social beings, we cannot exist without communication. We need to interact with people around us, to make sense of the world and to position ourselves in a wider social and cultural reality. In this course, we look at how and why communication evolved as a science and reflect on today’s dominant paradigms. The course also extends beyond the boundaries of communication science itself, exploring dimensions of history, sociology and psychology. Join our class, together with people all over the world. Introduction to Communication Science explores some of the basic theories, models and concepts from the fields of mass, interpersonal and intrapersonal communication. The course begins with a consideration of several basic models, subsequently progressing to the history of communication theory, linear effect-oriented theories, the reception approach and, finally, exploring theories on the production and reinforcement of culture through communication. Upon completion of this course, students should: • have knowledge of the history and development of communication science; • have knowledge of the dominant theoretical approaches within communication science; • have knowledge and understanding of the most important models and concepts in this field. Beginning the week of February 16, 2015, you will be able to join Signature Track, a system that verifies your identity when you take an exam. This option will allow you to earn a Verified Certificate, which provides formal recognition of your achievements in the course and includes the University of Amsterdam logo. Before then, you can complete a “test run” of the exam. You can then re-take the exam after the Verified Certificate becomes available. For information regarding Verified Certificates, see"...

Top reviews


Mar 5, 2020

It is wonderful course. I found that teaching methodology and exam every thing was perfect. My best wishes are for the Coursera as well university of Amsterdam for preparation of this useful course.


Feb 24, 2025

I love the way the course was presented section by section. It has a detailed explanation and I was able to create my personal note which is amazing. Coursera is an amazing application to study.

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326 - 350 of 405 Reviews for Introduction to Communication Science

By Зюзин О О

Apr 27, 2020

Великолепный курс! Спасибо Университету Амстердама за интересную информацию. Информация хорошо структурирована и воспринимается легко. Есть минусы, которые повлияли на оценку: в описании курса и в материалах курса идет речь про 6 недель на курс, а по факту есть всего 4 недели на прохождение курса. Так же почти все ссылки на дополнительные материалы устарели, тем не менее названия материалов остались и их легко найти самому.

By Aishwarya S

Jun 13, 2019

The course has a good amount of information, it sometimes gets overwhelming. The notes provided in the beginning are very useful-I would suggest all the new learners to take a print out of those. But the audio quality is not good enough, it was almost inaudible at some parts. Exam is difficult- you will have to give a minimum of two weeks to grasp all the material.

By Anna A

Aug 23, 2019

The course is an interesting intro into the history and theory of communication. What I lacked is the connection to the contemporary world, its context and very complex communication landscape. Case studies from today and exercises that encourage understanding of how to create a contemporary communication strategy will enhance the value of the course

By Anna H

Jul 12, 2016

The course explains variety of theories connected with communication science. The lectures included in the course are great and pleasant to watch. However, in my opinion the instructor gives too many information per minute and it's hard to note everything without spending hours analysing the lecture over and over again. Everything else was great!

By Supitha N

Jul 12, 2020

The course is very useful and interesting! I would definitely recommend this course for someone who wants to know about Communication or to start this field. The content is fruitful but not too extreme. All lectures are concise and easy to follow. However, I find the final exam at the end quite hard, and some survey is not accessible.

By Dudley S J

Nov 19, 2015

The course is an introductory course in the subject. I really want another one which is more focused on the cultural approach, given that we are facing many multicultural challenges in the work environment. Dealing with too much differences could be frustrating. Trying to communicate better then becomes a must. Thank you

By 杨春霞

Oct 11, 2015


最让我印象深刻的是week 6关于新媒体的观点,老师引述的柏拉图的一段话“新媒体会让学习者越来越健忘,因为它们没有用上自己的记忆能力;能听到一大堆东西,却并不能学到点什么;他们显得全知全能,却又疑问三不知;它们会组成一个乏味的团体,仅仅会展示一些不以真实为基础的智慧。”


第一次完整修完一门课,虽然回顾全程,与其在学传播学,不如说是训练英语听、写能力更合适囧 Anyway,总算一个好开始,继续加油。

By Muhammad S

Aug 26, 2015

I am the student of Communication Science in Indonesia. Before join this course, I have studied the introduction of communication science in the 1st semester of my lecture. But I have still no idea what communication is. This course is so helpful for me to learn the basic of communication.

By Philipp B

Nov 6, 2016

Very good lecture in selected content and presentation (interesting, motivating, concise and precise).

The course could improve by providing a written script in addition to the excellent lectures, as this would make summarizing the material and preparing for the tests easier.

By I C C

Apr 29, 2017

A lively introduction to the basic theories of Communication Science with a very easy-to-follow approach. I was getting into Journalism at the time I took this course and it has helped me a lot in the acquisition of some fundamental knowledge.

By Arvind C

May 19, 2020

Proper crash course for beginners into communication science. Fun and funny at times. Although needs time to unpack most of the information packed in this, still works as a precursor to heavy lifting required for communication science.

By Kadri A

Dec 27, 2015

Intresting and well structured course to give an overview of communication science, inc the history of it. It is not a hands on course to learn something to do but a good introduction course. I did it before going deeper into PR.

By Pako M

Aug 20, 2021

This is a wonderful course on communication science. It introduces one to the interesting theories on communication and takes you through communication from way back in history to today. It's a good course and I recommend it.

By Rong T

Jul 31, 2016

Good course. I would like it better if there are more depth in theories and analysis/examples used in lectures are more reflecting social media and the use of more cutting edge innovation in communication technology.

By Okan Ö

May 3, 2021

This course focuses on the theory of the communication science more than the practices. If you are looking to get the basics you can start with this one. Thanks for the course :)

By C M

Aug 17, 2015

Great course, very well presented. I had never really thought about communication in science terms and this course has been very valuable in bringing my knowledge up to speed

By Charles R

Apr 17, 2018

Very interesting course ! Helps understanding main approaches to Communication Science and how mankind perceived the importance of communication through the time.

By Evanthia A

Aug 15, 2015

I didn't like the fact that you could not earn a statement of accomplishment but only a verified certificate.

Other than that the course was pretty interesting.

By Alexandra F

Apr 15, 2021

The teachers are really great !! The drawings help quite well. The content was easy to understand and enought for an introduction classe. Thanks a lot !

By Tatia Z

Sep 11, 2015

It is a really nice introductory course on Communication. Includes the basic concepts and helps to influence, tools and channels used in communication.

By Martha A F

Mar 1, 2022

Hace una muy valiosa revisión de las principales teorías y modelos de la comunicación, pero no enfatiza la comunicción de la ciencia propiamente.

By Tran V T

Mar 29, 2017

This course is good, however, it seems to much academic without practical experiences or exercises for learners to practice skills and knowledge.

By Itziar F A

Jun 19, 2017

It's a good general course on communication science. Now, I'm looking forward to learn more about social media in a practical point of view.

By Kira B

Jan 1, 2016

Helpful introduction basic theories and approaches in the Communication Sciences, which were explained clearly for those new to the field.

By Babu

May 1, 2020

Great learning and challenging experiences. Learnt about many aspects that I see in daily life. Really glad I took part in this course.