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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Cloud Computing Applications, Part 1: Cloud Systems and Infrastructure by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

835 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to the Cloud Computing Applications course, the first part of a two-course series designed to give you a comprehensive view on the world of Cloud Computing and Big Data! In this first course we cover a multitude of technologies that comprise the modern concept of cloud computing. Cloud computing is an information technology revolution that has just started to impact many enterprise computing systems in major ways, and it will change the face of computing in the years to come. We start the first week by introducing some major concepts in cloud computing, the economics foundations of it and we introduce the concept of big data. We also cover the concept of software defined architectures, and how virtualization results in cloud infrastructure and how cloud service providers organize their offerings. In week two, we cover virtualization and containers with deeper focus, including lectures on Docker, JVM and Kubernates. We finish up week two by comparing the infrastructure as a service offering by the big three: Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Week three moves to higher level of cloud offering, including platform as a service, mobile backend as a service and even serverless architectures. We also talk about some of the cloud middleware technologies that are fundamental to cloud based applications such as RPC and REST, JSON and load balancing. Week three also covers metal as a service (MaaS), where physical machines are provisioned in a cloud environment. Week four introduces higher level cloud services with special focus on cloud storage services. We introduce Hive, HDFS and Ceph as pure Big Data Storage and file systems, and move on to cloud object storage systems, virtual hard drives and virtual archival storage options. As discussion on Dropbox cloud solution wraps up week 4 and the course....

Top reviews


Feb 18, 2017

Well structured course. Gives a good overview of the basics of cloud computing. couple of typos in the transcripts. will flag errors in future courses


Apr 10, 2018

Understanding of this course will help you to know more about Cloud Computing and the technologies that drive Big Data

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76 - 100 of 169 Reviews for Cloud Computing Applications, Part 1: Cloud Systems and Infrastructure

By Varun K R

Apr 18, 2020


By Pawar M A

Feb 24, 2021


By Arnaud F

Dec 5, 2016

At the start of Week 1, the course was a bit boring (too slow, too easy), but things were becoming more and more interesting: We were able to see many up-to-date technologies used in companies, several protocols, market tendencies, many competitors/actors,

I recommend to students to open an account at AWS, Azure, GoogleCompute and create their own exercises (it is mostly free for limited usage).

By Christian T

Jun 13, 2018

Cloud Computing Applications is a good overview of all the cloud application landscape. You need a lot of studying and self-guided hands-on work on cloud systems to gain a deeper understanding.I took the Cloud Computing basics course before. Therefore I am probably biased. The Cloud Computing course in comparison went much deeper than Cloud Computing Applications.

By Edson B

Jan 11, 2017

I would like to recommend the course for everybody to want get good knowledge in cloud technology. It's help me a lot to figure out the market trends. From now on, I got a big picture about the differents types of the clould services. I very excited to the next step. I also to hope you enjoy it.

By Mustafa Z

Apr 26, 2017

Good class overall. I was not really a fan of the teaching styles at the beginning because they pack a lot of info and just keep going. Examples are pretty rare and quizzes require you to have an analytical understanding of the material which you can't get from the lectures themselves easily.

By Patrick S

Apr 25, 2017

This is a great introduction for someone who wants to see what's available in terms of open source and proprietary cloud systems. The lectures definitely cover items that people actually use in industry, and the lecturers describe the technologies in products accurately.

By David T

Aug 18, 2019

Good class overall; I was a little disappointed when I finished the programming assignment but was unable to submit because the website appeared to be down.

Class is heavy on basic theory; you won't directly learn about using cloud providers such as AWS....

By Erdem Y

Jun 20, 2019

A chart of comparison between technologies and storage systems would be nice to have with frequent quiz. You need to digest and remember loads of terminology then start a graded quiz, which makes it hard to pass, if you pause the course for a day or two

By Bestoun S A

Nov 19, 2016

The course is really good. However, in some situations, it is very high level and the instructor assumes that the audience know what he say. I would prefer to see some other figures for the cloud use and the use of the cloud in reality.

By Vy H

Mar 9, 2021

The lectures are engaging, but very shallow. The information provided in lectures are not enough to do well in the quizzes. Fortunately, we have unlimited tries per quiz.

By marcin k

Nov 2, 2017

Some lessons seemed to be going too much into details whereas others not enough details. Some minor misspellings and misinformations but overall happy with the course.

By Lamar O

Dec 20, 2020

I learned a lot from the video lectures. I would like to have the immediate response from the professor or to have one or two classes on a Zoom or online formate

By Vladimir B

Dec 4, 2017

Good , but sometimes very tedious.Plese, take examples and put them in instead dull explanation.

Dull because subject , not you ;-)

Thanks a lot

By Ganesh S

Apr 13, 2020

Learned a lot about different leading cloud applications. It good to know how it related to commercial offerings of these applications.

By Devesh P

Apr 28, 2017

Great course, covers wide range of contents relating to Could technology. Quiz is very well designed to test your understanding.

By Kaiqi Z

Dec 31, 2020

Quite helpful to introduce many cloud provider services nowadays. But some open source framework might be outdated for 2020.

By 黄亮 A

Oct 16, 2018

Provider a lot of materials on cloud application, infrastructure and storage service, not deeply enough to known the inside.

By Vara V

Nov 1, 2019

The course is not difficult compared to the two earlier courses. It is fun to learn.

By Petr T

Aug 22, 2017

Not enough practical examples, best practices and comparisons between technologies.

By Shambhu N P

Oct 29, 2017

Very good course content. Could be more helpful if given some real case studies

By jingjing L

Aug 21, 2016

Colorful information about various advanced technologies in cloud computing.

By Lorena O B

Oct 11, 2024

Seria excelente tener algo mas de practica, por lo general un buen contenido

By Shivali p

Apr 24, 2020

It was best experience

I learnt some new concepts I did not know

By venu p

Jul 11, 2018

if given even more real time examples and practical explaination