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Learner Reviews & Feedback for English for Career Development by University of Pennsylvania

16,263 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to English for Career Development, a course created by the University of Pennsylvania, and funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs. To enroll in this course for free, click on “Enroll now” and then select "Full Course. No certificate." This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in advancing their careers in the global marketplace. In this course, you will learn about the job search, application, and interview process in the United States, while comparing and contrasting the same process in your home country. This course will also give you the opportunity to explore your global career path, while building your vocabulary and improving your language skills to achieve your professional goals. The first unit in this course will introduce the U.S. job application process and provide strategies for identifying the jobs that match your interests and skills. Unit 2 will take you through the steps necessary to produce a professional-looking resume. In unit 3, you will work to develop a clear and concise cover letter. The final unit of the course focuses on networking and interview skills. Anyone may take this course for free. If you want to get a Coursera Verified Certificate for free, please fill out the Financial Aid form. Unless otherwise noted, all course materials are available for re-use, repurposing and free distribution under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution license. Supplemental reading materials were provided by Newsela, which publishes daily news articles at a level that's just right for each English language learner....

Top reviews


Aug 25, 2019

It is the very useful course for learning, this course provides videos for better understanding. A part from that there are exams like quiz, games, video recording, review of classmates work and all..


Nov 10, 2021

This course is very crucial one. really i learn very important lessons I am really thankfully for teachers who taught me these lesson though i would like to get free certificate because lack of money.

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476 - 500 of 6,060 Reviews for English for Career Development

By Adela T

Oct 19, 2020

English for Career development has an easy and effective way of teaching. I learnt style of writing resume and cover letter. This course is must for job searchers and job seekers. I liked the teachers and is grateful to them. I enjoyed learning this course.

By Sohini S

May 28, 2021

This unique course has two amazing instructors who imparted the best kind of learning any learner can vouch for. Unlike other short course references, this course truly helped me revamp my resume and improve my skills with interviewing. Thank you :) - Sohini

By Pragash Y

May 17, 2020

Well designed course, i received proper idea to face future job interviews from preparing resume to attending interview. Also learned how to utilize the skill of language proficiency in English to success to process. Appreciation to American Center - Colombo

By Sofiane B

Apr 5, 2023

Really valuable course in English and career development, I learn a lot from it and I want to thank the instructors for their fantastic job to deliver such a good learning experience to whom may want to develop English skills and their professional careers.

By Panagiota K

Sep 4, 2022

Highgly recommended! It was such an exciting experience! I gained so much knowledge and I could attend the course with my own personal pace! The videos and the instructors were clear and understandable. I'm totally satisfied and I recommend it to everyone.

By Deleted A

Oct 10, 2021

A nice and wonderful course which covers most of the requirements that we need to enter the job market such as how to prepare a resume, a cover letter and how to face a job interview successfully. Thank you very much coursera and University of Pennsylvania.

By César M O

Dec 11, 2021

It is an excellent course and has helped me in my job search. I learned how I should make my resume and cover letter, but most of all, how to express myself and act to make a good impression. I enjoyed it. My total thanks to the University of Pennsylvania.

By Giovanny A G P

Sep 21, 2020

It is a very good course that helps you structure your resume your cover letter. teaches you grammar tips to be able to structure these documents in the best way, covers all stages of the hiring process and how you should spend in each one very good course

By Irine F H

Jun 14, 2021

I was greatly helped in developing my skills in writing job applications. So I managed to make a job application like a professional. I just learned about writing the right way, choosing the right words, and tips and tricks on finding legal job vacancies.

By Eloysa M

Sep 11, 2020

I really like the course, each video was very clear and descriptive in order to understand each topic. The examples were helpful to create my own resume and cover letter. I have an idea what should be to have a interview. What to do and don't. Thank you!

By Черняк Е

Jan 9, 2021

I've very enjoyed to study at this course. It helped me to understand what job would fit me and where I could give the best results. I wrote my resume, cover letter and understood how to pass the interview. I'm very appreciate to teachers and university.

By Tohid M

Oct 11, 2020

Excellent course for those who are looking for a job in an English-speaking country. The course provides you with everything you need to enter a job from the job-seeking process to writing a resume and doing great in an interview. Absolutely recommended!

By Olena G

Feb 2, 2019

Thank you for such a precious opportunity!! I have had different experiences in my resume and went through many interviews, nevertheless the information was useful and new for me. Video hometasks is a taugh thing but it is make a big sense! Thank you!!!!

By Martha P C O

Apr 20, 2023

Wonderful! You helped me a lot finding a way to decide which path to take in my career, clarifying the view of my skills and how to take advantage of it, the best way to present my self in this culture and improving my english skills. I'm very grateful!

By Marc-Stéphane A

Oct 5, 2022

This english course is very useful. It allowed me to familiarize myself with english speaking, learn new notions and previous ones I forgot. Thanks to the University of Pennsylvania and Coursera to trust in me with this scholarship. Let's keep going...

By Atul H

May 29, 2021

I would like to thank all team. During the course I really enjoyed and l learned a lot of knowledge about career development. The course is very helpful for every job seekers and everyone must be enrolled this course so early. Thank you so much again.


Jan 29, 2019

Excellent all program helped me to improve my English skills. thank you and I wonder if possible for the next courses take contact via cellphone or internet to finish interview with the instructor I think it would be a good way to assess the students .

By Fitrianasari

Apr 28, 2021

ENGLISH FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT for me has been very valuable, such as learning to correctly write a CV and a cover letter, its different forms and styles, at first glance it may seem easy but doing it properly requires learning and doing it correctly

By Irfa A

Apr 19, 2020

I would like to tell that it is the best course to learn some skills which are necessary to learn for the job-seeking process. this course helps me to make my rasume and cover letter more attractive. also tells some useful techniques for the interview.

By Luca C

May 27, 2022

A very useful course. I am from Italy and I learned an amount of words in Job sectors, and my fluency in this language is becoming better and better, without conting all the advices like how you have to act when you are interviewed, thank you so much!

By Cholpon

Nov 25, 2020

I have learnt how to write professional looking resume and cover letter, studied the recruiting requirements in USA. Also got familiar with common questions asked during the interview and inappropriate list of questions that is also important to know.

By Yashwanth.A

Jul 1, 2020

It was really amazing!! Before joining the course I was very unprofessional and doesn't know many things about career development and professional talking. By the end of this course, I'm well confident now to decide what's right for my future goals...

By Rosario M

Dec 12, 2022

Muchas gracias por esta maravillosa experiencia aprendi mucho apesar de mi edad y me di cuenta que querer es poder gracias.Es importante decir que agradesco el esfuerzo que hacen por que cualquier persona pueda aprender de manera accecible y practica

By Taciana d C O

Mar 4, 2021

The professors were great, dynamic, fun, it was easy to understand their explanations. The content was amazing! Besides learning about job process in USA, all the tips I got here were amazing and they'll definitely help me as a job seeker. Thank you!

By Igo V A M

Jan 4, 2021

O curso foi muito rico, não é nem um pouco cansativo e te prepara nas bases para entender não só a se preparar melhor para possíveis vagas de emprego, como também dá dicas importantes de comportamento e noções sobre o inglês para o mundo do trabalho.