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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Camera Control by Michigan State University

1,832 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to Course Two of Photography Basics and Beyond: From Smartphone to DSLR! Now that you have a broad understanding of the various types of cameras, the importance of setting up Menus and Functions to gain control in your photography, and the difference between Auto and Program exposure modes, you are ready to move into even greater Camera Control! In these 4 Modules we will concentrate on gaining the knowledge necessary to make use of Exposure Modes, Light Metering, Effects of various ISO settings, Lens options, using Shutter Speeds to convey aspects of Time in both documentary and creative ways, and exploring the controlled focus effects that Depth of Field Principles make possible. You will also continue to make new photographs and, if you are a subscriber to the specialization, continue interacting with your fellow learners as you share photographs for Peer Review. You will also confirm your knowledge through completion of quizzes and written responses. Let's get started with Module One!...

Top reviews


Nov 13, 2017

Great course for a novice photographer with a point and shoot camera. Some information was not applicable to my camera, but the knowledge was good to know. I have really enjoyed the challenge.Grace


Dec 2, 2017

Great course structure. Great Professors and Mentors. This course has really help me grow a lot as a photographer. I'm so thankful to Coursera & MSU for putting such a great course for learners.

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51 - 75 of 472 Reviews for Camera Control



Oct 26, 2020

All technical aspects learned in this course of taking good photograph are very valuable. And still the best thing is assignments. Clear exercise to go out and complete(like real photographer)!

Big thanks to professors!!!

By Sierra N


Aug 25, 2020

I greatly enjoyed the projects in this course. It lead to a much greater understanding of what my camera and I are capable of capturing. It built well off of the information in the first course of the specialization.

By Mako H


May 22, 2020

I am a beginner photographer and this course is very very helpful to understand techniques. From now on, I can truly enjoy taking various pictures while using the skills I have learned through this course! Thank you

By Abhilash


Dec 24, 2016

This course is all about the controlling elements of a great photo.How to take a purposeful blur image,how to take a action shot.You will learn about all this and more in this course.A must for a photography newbie.

By rami h a


Jun 12, 2017

all courses that related to that topic is amazing, furthermore here i start to sustain and strengthening my knowledge in photography and i feel that i put my first step in professional photography career path.

By Jane H


Mar 5, 2018

Great course! I appreciate that they are teaching me not only how to understand and use the camera controls, but how to be very deliberate and thoughtful about my decisions as I set out to make a photograph.

By Joe S


Dec 12, 2017

Truly very good I wish I would have taken them in order and not as per deadlines as I went from course 1 to 3 to 4 to 2 ;) (silly me) but I highly reccomend if you can only take 1 course prioritize this one!

By Neil A K


Jul 24, 2020

This course provides an excellent introduction to basic camera control fundamentals. If you have a newer DSLR and are wondering how to get familiar with how to use it, this course is going to be helpful.

By Grace K


Nov 13, 2017

Great course for a novice photographer with a point and shoot camera. Some information was not applicable to my camera, but the knowledge was good to know. I have really enjoyed the challenge.


By Martin C


Dec 4, 2020

Much learning, much knowledge. Eternally grateful to professors Mark and Peter for the dedication, intelligence, disposition and quality of teaching that they gave me. I am very excited indeed.

By Jannice P


Aug 10, 2019

Great classes, and photograph assignments, to help you improve, and be confident in your work. It helps you learn more about technical terms, and how to apply those things you have learned.



May 28, 2020

The course gives us in depth insight to different functionalities of camera. Also peer review assignments makes us think and apply the learned knowledge.

Thank you MVPS'S KBTCOE & Coursera!

By Guidinchy F


Nov 10, 2016

I always thought that the photos are in focus right eral perfectamenet, without anything that moved.

Today that capture the motion with my camar is an artistic way of expressing my vision!

By Crisanta P A


Dec 13, 2024

I loved it and enjoyed it so much! I truly have a passion for photography, and my professor has taught me so much on this journey. Thank you for all the photography knowledge I’ve gained.

By Fahami M A


Oct 14, 2021

C'est un excellent cours pour comprendre en profondeur le contrôle créatif de son appareil photo, j'en suis sorti avec des notions bien apprises et je suis à affronter de nouveaux défis

By Michael R H


Apr 29, 2020

Most excellent course! I really enjoyed successfully learning various photographic techniques to successfully write with light and express content in the frame that I wish to create!!

By Crystal L


Jul 25, 2016

Peter & Mark hit a home run with this course, very thorough , great advice,this was a course full of knowledge and at the same time I truly enjoyed their way of delivering the content.

By Bruce E


Jul 8, 2018

Another great course. I learned something very important on this course, something that I was doing wrong that effected the quality of my photographs; thanks so much!Bruce Edgar

By M. D G


Mar 10, 2017

The course is well laid out and the explanations are concise and perfectly clear. Ideas are laid down clearly and the student can continue his/her explorations. Good job.

By Yash K


Dec 1, 2020

A lot of great info to demystify the key concepts that separate a beginner from a pro photographer - I look forward to applying this knowledge in all future pictures I capture.



Aug 12, 2020

I like very much this course, I've learned to understand more my camera, just what I want to learn. Thank you very much, god bless you. Mr Peter and Mr Mark are great teachers.

By Diana C


Jul 24, 2017

Really good course. Help me understand a lot of my camera and my capabilities of expressing my emotion thought photos. Of course, a lot of individually exercises are necessary.

By Dawn Z


Jun 23, 2016

I learned so much in this course, I would recommend this and the previous courses being offered in the specialization Photography Basics and Beyond from Smartphone to DSLR.

By Kashif A


May 16, 2016

I am in love with coursera team, Faculty and their work for the youth and people who are trying to get educated and don't have the resources to do so.

Keep up the good work.

By Roberto H B


Mar 2, 2021

It was a very interesting course in proportioning insights about, time freezing, DOF, blurring and I enjoyed very much doing the photo experiencing that was proposed.