Nov 13, 2017
Great course for a novice photographer with a point and shoot camera. Some information was not applicable to my camera, but the knowledge was good to know. I have really enjoyed the challenge.Grace
Dec 2, 2017
Great course structure. Great Professors and Mentors. This course has really help me grow a lot as a photographer. I'm so thankful to Coursera & MSU for putting such a great course for learners.
By Carlos A N
•Nov 1, 2016
By Anil K T
•May 19, 2016
Nice One
By Ruth A F C
•Feb 12, 2021
By khush
•Oct 24, 2016
By Bhupendra P S
•Aug 9, 2016
By Abby R
•Jun 21, 2021
By Rohan M
•Sep 29, 2020
By Younus M B
•Jan 16, 2020
By Ashir H G
•Aug 22, 2023
By Marcelo H S S
•Apr 29, 2023
By Mahmoud E
•Jan 23, 2023
By Chris S
•Dec 11, 2021
By Charlz A
•May 31, 2021
•Jan 14, 2021
By Mona A A
•Sep 5, 2020
By Santhiya R
•Aug 29, 2020
•Jun 16, 2020
By Kainanalin
•May 9, 2020
By Bhavya S
•Jun 8, 2019
By Mohammed M
•Dec 4, 2017
By Olena N
•Sep 14, 2017
By magaly y
•Jun 24, 2022
By Claudia V M O
•Jun 2, 2021
By Steven H L
•Jan 23, 2023
The content of the CAMERA CONTROL course is exceptionally good, especially if you put the time and effort into really practicing the concepts laid out. The course pushes you to set intentions about the kind of photos you want to create, and then challenges you to go out and create those photos using the various technical concepts that are taught each week. If you want to do well, really do your best to take a lot of photos related to each concept. For example, when learning how depth of field works, I encourage you to setup your camera in one place and take a shot at each aperture setting (that is, one shot at f1.8, one at f2, another at f4, f8, f11, f16, and f22), so that you can see how the depth of field in the scene changes. Too many projects seem to get submitted where this isn't done, and it's unfortunate, because then you don't learn. Also, when submitting a project, I wish people would make sure they carefully read what's asked for in terms of the writeups. Some have you do a short one or two sentences before you start the project, and then tie in the last few sentences to how you went about meeting the intentions that were behind those first few sentences. Most projects ask you to relay the technical settings you choose to make your photo and describe how those settings impacted the image you created. Many people didn't do that either. So read each part carefully. One other thing that might be an issue for some is the language barrier - when I took the course, a lot of Spanish speaking students were submitting work and writing in Spanish, which is okay - I was able to screenshot the work and there are websites and apps that will translate the langagues in the screenshot. I then used Google Translate to write my response to the submission and I hope it helped the other Spanish speaking learners. But then, with my own work, when it was reviewed by people who don't speak English - I found that they would just write one word responses. So if you are reading this, and thinking about taking this course, note that you might need to do that. Luckily you don't have to know what language is written for these translation programs, they seem very good at detecting what's been written and it will tell you if it was Spanish, or French, etc.
By Jolene F
•Nov 1, 2016
Over all the class was great and I learned new things and tried techniques I have always wanted to use but didn't know how. I really wish there was a way to see all the of the submissions for the peer review once we have handed our assignment in and have finished reviewing the minimum requirement. I think a lot can be learned by seeing how everyone else in the class interpreted the assignment. It would be fun to see what everyone else photographed.