Feb 26, 2019
Its an amazing course for teaching strategies not only classrooms but also informal teaching techniques. I enjoyed the course and it create an experience with artworks and museum learning.
May 29, 2020
Great instructor and inspiring content. Inquiry is an essential way to approach life. With this course you will realize how applicable and necessary art is in any field/subject/context.
By Rocio V P
•Aug 10, 2015
Great! this course gives amazing activities and ideas for the classroom, but it also gives you smart strategies for us to connect and evaluate a work of art differently.
By Sherin B
•Feb 26, 2019
Its an amazing course for teaching strategies not only classrooms but also informal teaching techniques. I enjoyed the course and it create an experience with artworks and museum learning.
By Shannon L
•Oct 4, 2019
For a free course, this program helped develop some new ideas and approaches for how to interact with guests and develop more child-friendly and inclusive programs for field trips.
By Jonathan H R
•Feb 20, 2019
Excellent, really opened my eyes to a type of teaching that I had not been exposed to and seems to work just as well for adults as it does for children.
By Tahmina S R
•Apr 24, 2017
Very well designed course for effective outcomes. This course has helped me a lot to take constructive steps to improve my classroom experiences. Now my students as well as I are enjoying the classes. I used to use certain techniques only for a limited area of my lessons but this course helped me to understand and discover more ways to incorporate art with other subjects. It has also improved my own learning experiences. I am highly grateful to get the opportunity to take the course. Thanks a lot to Coursera. Special thanks to Lisa Mazzola and Stephanie Pau.
By Anna B
•Nov 6, 2015
I found this course very helpful in making me rethink the way I teach - moving from a lecture mode where I present information to students whilst they force themselves to try and focus or fall asleep to teaching using questions whilst inserting information at helpful points to guide the conversation. I am a homeschooling Mum and a church pastor, and in both those settings I have found this course to be very insightful and transformational in the way I teach and can promote creative thinking and engagement with students.
By Filomena
•May 23, 2018
Thank you very much for that really instructive and inspirational course. I had so much fun developing the final assignment and I am really excited to see if it works in reality. I still have to excercise asking questions spontaneously and beeing more proactive with asking back during these conversations. But I am positive I can learn that soon. Thank you for your hard work and I am excited to start with one of the other MoMA-Moocs soon. :)
By David O A
•Jul 28, 2023
Ihavefound thiscourse tobeveryengagingproductiveandhasalltherightelementstochallengeapersontobuildasolidcareerinprofessionalteachiLearningaboutinquiryaboutinquiryaboutinquiryaboutapplyininquirymethodteachinghavebeenanEye-openerandhasbroadenmyhorizonsandteachingcapabilitiesasanArtteacherGoodJotoalltheorganizersMazzolaandcoMazzola
By María B C O
•Nov 12, 2020
Es un muy buen curso, lo recomiendo muchísimo, me ayudó mucho a ver cómo incluir el arte en clases y asignaturas que no están relacionadas 100% con el arte. Además, hay muchas técnicas y recursos que se pueden implementar no solo con el arte, sino que en muchos ámbitos. Si te gusta el arte y la educación ¡Toma este curso!
By Erika H
•Feb 14, 2021
I am re-entering Art education and I found course to be a great resource. I thought the readings were well chosen and very informative. It was really interesting to read/review other course participants final projects. This is a great course for anyone wanting to learn how to teach with art in any subject.
By Melissa W
•May 8, 2021
This course was well organized with a variety of source material. This content is extremely relevant to my daily work as a high school art teacher. Though taking this course, I was exposed to free resources from the museum website that I would not have known about, which is invaluable. Thank you, Moma!
By Charlene S
•May 8, 2023
Helping strategies to help engagement through inquiry. Activates natural curiosity and challenges for meaningful engagement and learning in the classroom. Taps into deeper personal and enlightening connections to content to create bridges for meaning. Instead of teaching at students, learn with them.
By Mariana C
•Oct 15, 2016
Se me hizo interesante combinar el arte, como estrategia para la educación y más dónde el aula sea un museo. Lo hacen más interactivo y más enriquecedor, tanto para los alumnos, cómo para el maestro. Y realmente este espacio invita a aprender, interactuar y la mayor participación de alumnos.
By Danilo F S
•Feb 24, 2021
Hi folks,
I thank you for the opportunity, from Brazil, to add to the experience and the curriculum, the importance of teaching art and its techniques to the classroom. We know that this path is a great facilitator for everyday learning, reflection, and interpretation.
Thank you.
By Sandra R S
•Feb 27, 2023
Congratulations to MoMA staff on presenting a clear review of the use of objects to support Socratic education. Blending in local museums with K-12 education should be a universal path to forging critical thinking and inquiry.
By Álvaro B L
•Jan 11, 2021
Me ha gustado la participación directa de profesionales de la educación y los museos, así como las diferentes modalidades de actividades planteadas (foros, cuestionarios, vídeos, lecturas y un largo etcétera).
•Oct 19, 2019 please help to me
I need two reviews for my assignment, otherwise I' ll lose the certification fee too
By Shirley M
•May 29, 2020
Great instructor and inspiring content. Inquiry is an essential way to approach life. With this course you will realize how applicable and necessary art is in any field/subject/context.
By Artemis K
•Aug 14, 2015
It was a very interesting course! Well-structure and nice to attend! I learned a lot of new things and I also had some ideas for using Art and Inquiry in my classroom! Thank you MoMa
By Sanjana N
•May 25, 2020
This course helped me in planning and also in executing inquiry based class. 'Learning is a lifelong process' and courses like this always makes my belief stronger.
Thank you MoMa
By Justine M
•Jun 18, 2020
This class was very well put together. I loved the course readings, and the videos were very helpful in demonstrating the lessons. I'd definitely take a course from MoMA again.
By Wallace N O
•Feb 14, 2016
Great course, with an amazing approach and fantastic material. For every one who loves arts, not only teachers, art students, if you do love art, join it and enjoy it.
By Manuel R B
•Aug 8, 2022
The course guided us to a new step by step system to improve my art classess, arrange external activities and develop new cooperation bonds with museum institutions.
By Kezia L
•Jun 22, 2020
I loved this course. It has an abundance of resources and wider reading available and I've become really passionate about Museum Education now I've completed it!
By Pilar d R
•Oct 1, 2018
Interesting approach to classroom activities, the information given is very useful to expand possibilities in learning and teaching experiences in the classroom.