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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Antimicrobial resistance - theory and methods by Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

2,437 ratings

About the Course

Antimicrobial resistance is an increasingly pressing global concern. This course offers unique and comprehensive insights into the challenges posed by AMR, exploring its mechanisms, implications for public health and laboratory methods as well as tools for identification. Participants gain learning experience on how bacteria become resistant and which mechanisms lead to the outcome of resistance. As part of the course, you will also receive demonstration and training in methods for antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) and detection of specific resistance in the microbiological laboratories. Additionally, it will take you through various techniques employed including culture-based methods such as agar dilution and disk diffusion assays which determine the susceptibility of bacteria to antibiotics. Molecular methods such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and whole genome sequencing are also outlined in detail equipping you with basic understanding. These methods provide valuable insights into the prevalence and mechanisms of AMR, aiding in the development of effective treatment strategies and surveillance programs. In our new version an additional module including detection of specific resistance mechanisms has been incorporated....

Top reviews


Dec 31, 2020

As a microbiology student, I can say that I've learned so many theoretical and practical methods involving antimicrobial resistance as well as bacteriology in general. Huge thanks to great lecturers!


Jul 23, 2021

V​ery clear and informative to give insights about what's happening in the area of antimicrobial resistance, as well as the urgency to do identification and surveilance of antimicrobial resistance

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26 - 50 of 511 Reviews for Antimicrobial resistance - theory and methods

By Mahewash K


Nov 6, 2019

This course was thoroughly explained with such ease and perfection that I'm really very grateful to the whole team. All the guides were successful in holding interest during the lecture. I came to know about many things, all the basic so this course was actually helpful. And I would really be looking forward for many courses from Dtu.

By Robert G


Jun 14, 2017

For a student of bioinformatics like me, this course is an indepth case study of a single topic. Antibiotic resistance is covered as it appears in the clinic (briefly), in the laboratory (extensively) and in the genotype (moderately). As such, it is a perfect case study for someone interested in bacterial genetics,

By Joana N


Jan 26, 2017

I found this course pretty useful and interesting.

I am a pharmacist working as an information manager mostly on hospital medicines, and the antimicrobials play a huge part of the prescriptions.

It was very good to better understand the mecanisms behind the resistances and the racional to choose the best agent agains it.

By Joao F C d N


Aug 20, 2020

I am definetely feeling grateful for my University (UNESP) giving me the opportunity to do this course. It was great and it gathered me a lot of knowledge. Also, I what to thank Lina and all the DTU team of reseachers and so for planning and ministering this course with such passion and professionalism.

By María D C V


Dec 18, 2019

Los profesores fueron excepcionales, a pesar de ser un tema muy complicado, lo hicieron relativamente sencillo, siempre y cuando se tuviera noción del tema, aprendí muchas cosas que no sabía acerca de los microorganismos y métodos de laboratorio que estoy segura, voy a utilizar en mi vida profesional.

By Víctor P A


Oct 9, 2020

Es un excelente curso para iniciarse en los tópicos de resistencia bacteriana. Con una introducción simple y entendible sobre los mecanismos moleculares de bacterias y sobre todo mucho énfasis en las metodologías y protocolos para actuar en el laboratorio. Me ha gustado mucho y he aprendido bastante.

By Tahmina B


Jul 18, 2022

This course is an exicillent resoures of learning AMR and I loved the instructors presentation style which is easy but included all information about the topic. Lina and Pimlapas's presentation were really attractive. Many thanks to all who contributed this courese .

Best wishes

Tahmina Begum

By Tejan c


Aug 12, 2022

I am very pleased to complete this course as part of my work in the microbiology laboratory I have learnt a lot and hope to continue to refresh all the time my notes to improve better thank to all the tutors especially Leno cavaco she was a good expert in her course and the others thank you

By Arley C G


Jul 24, 2022

Thank you for this course, is an excellent tool for imprueve my knowloge and awern about my responsabley and as professional health. The professor are excellent. Contratulation!

Thank you so much and see you in another oportunity (current information).

Kind regards,

Arley Caraballo Guzmán

By Audrey V


Jul 3, 2018

I learned a lot from this course. Because of the comprehensive lessons and clear explanation of terms and standard protocols, i was and still able to apply such to my Honours and now Master's degree project that i am currently busy with. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

By Francis G


Dec 6, 2020

I really enjoyed all the wonderful and awesome lectures and presentations from all the lecturers in this course. I have also gained a lot of knowledges and skills, hoping to get the best out of it.

Thank you very much for this good opportunity to learn during this hard time.

By Nawel S


Apr 20, 2020

Great thanks for the entire team especially Dr Lina Cavaco for her pedagogical qualities.

I am very pleased with this course, which helped me fill knowledge gaps that I had about microbiology and antimicrobial resistance. See you soon for another course.

Nawel from Algeria.



Sep 20, 2020

This course really explained alot of stuff and the procedures involved in finding the resistance of bacteria!!! Amazing actually and in detail where one can understand better... I truly enjoyed. The matter and the diagrams the pictures!! All were really up to the mark!

By Varun B


May 25, 2020

This is a very good course. It covers all the basic and essential information related. The methods are very well explained by the lecturers. The quizzes were conducted very nicely with logical questions also. I have gained much new information regarding the subject.

By Ernesto R S


Aug 27, 2022

Actualmente me encuestro realizando investigación en RAM en CR y este curso me ha servido de repaso y aprender ciertas técnicas que aqui no realizamos. Totalmente recomendado para personas que vayan a ingresar al mundo de la Resistencia Antibacteriana!! 100!!



May 26, 2020

Thank you very much; excellent course to learn the person who are working in the field of antimicrobial therapeutics and related drug assays. This course will be helpful to learn and update the deep fundamental knowledge of antimicrobial susceptibility assay



Jan 21, 2020

Thank you for providing this great lecture with a critical and modern hot topic and sensitive global problem, superbugs. Through your exciting website, we can learn, active, and participate in a comfortable and very efficient way.

We are very appreciated.

By Teresa M


Jun 17, 2020

Me gustó mucho el curso, se explica todo muy claro y se ve que las personas que exponen dominan el tema. Se pueden descargar las diapositivas sin problema. Espero que próximamente se hiciera algo similar pero en hongos. Gracias por este excelente curso.

By Uk U


Mar 3, 2025

This module help me in future because I learn many things like how antimicrobial resistance evolve,how to assess the AMR,WGS, antimicrobial resistance survilence.This make me enhance my knowledge.Thankyou for the great opportunity.Once again thankyou

By Isabel M B


Mar 25, 2020

Overall great course for learning about antimicrobial resistance. Of course you need to have some background in the area to make the most out of the course. This makes it so that it's a wonderful course for people working in this area of expertise.

By kartikey u


Aug 12, 2020

I'm quite new to the field of antimicrobial drug development and this course has given me a useful insight into the thought process that goes on inside the head of the people that excel at this . It has been an exciting journey . Thanks a lot !

By Muhammad D H


Jun 10, 2020

Excellent course, had learnt a lot about antimicrobial resistance its theories, methods, the techniques, technology used in Laboratories and resistance in E.coli, MRSA and others. Thankyou for providing us this course, looking forward for more



Oct 1, 2017

Hello maam,

Really this course is very interesting. I am a veterinary graduate. As in animals also now-a-days, there is deliberate use of antibiotics and knowledge on this is really very much necessary. Thank you so much for your lectures.

By Dr. A D


Jul 18, 2020

The speakers were awesome especially Lina cavaco,she conveyed each point in a very simple manner that we could understand and score well in this course. Loved the course very much and Thank you coursera for giving such a wonderful course.



Mar 18, 2021

It was a very very interesting and knowledgeable videos about antimicrobial resistance processes it's concept , about its mechanism and it's good to be a part of such online courses and detail description about all the topics , thank you