Jan 20, 2017
I liked the fact that the algorithms are not just the introductory searching and sorting algorithms. The assignments are fairly difficult (I have decent scripting experience), but not impossibly so.
Jan 20, 2021
The course was really amazing which provided deep knowledge from basic to advance that how algorithms works and how to design algorithms. Thanks to all the expert teachers who taught in this course.
By dheeraj p
•Nov 10, 2017
all the topics were taught well and teachers are quite experienced and got to learn a lot from this course
By vivek s
•Sep 15, 2020
Amazing course , but if possible should include implementation of more searching and sorting algorithms.
By Stephen K
•Jul 7, 2020
Pretty interesting and challenging. Some algorithms were not explained with much clarity towards the end.
By Haeeun P
•Feb 17, 2019
강의의 편차가 있긴 하지만, 과제로 주어지는 문제가 난이도 별로 배치되어 있어 이를 통해 많이 배울 수 있습니다. 강의에 나온 내용을 구현하는 문제부터 응용하는 문제까지 골고루 있습니다.
By sumit k
•Nov 20, 2016
The overall course was very good however the edit distance lectures were very fast to grasp the concepts
By Ahmed T E
•Dec 11, 2016
Very good course. It illustrates many algorithms using simple ways, short videos and readable material.
By Faraz H
•May 22, 2020
The level of assignment problems is very good. We can learn a lot from the completing the assignments.
•Apr 29, 2020
This course is really amazing. i am learning lots of algorithm and many new concepts with this course.
By Joseph E
•Apr 30, 2021
The Tutors did not pass the message well. I still had to consult youtube to fully grasp some concepts
By Can R
•Jun 12, 2018
instuctors no longer check the discussion boards. So it's a hassle to get the right answers sometimes
By Raul P
•Dec 31, 2020
It would be good if you have more examples in code like python or just numbers proving the algorithm
By Atishay J
•Aug 1, 2019
Nice course
good practice problems
awesome explanation
but is not language specific, may be good or bad
•Nov 7, 2018
so presenters were hard difficult to understand; subtitles/closed caption didn't make sense at times
By Sudiksha A
•Jul 11, 2020
Practice questions were very helpful and explanation was also awesome.
Thank You very much coursera.
By Deleted A
•May 24, 2020
Graph Theory Algorithm is still not present hope the course will get updated with the graph theory.
By Colm G
•Aug 15, 2018
Very good course, would be 5 stars but let down by Doctor Pevzner's hard to follow lecturing style
By Jacob S
•Oct 6, 2022
Great introduction into programming techniques like "divide and conquer" and dynamic programming
By Lakshya O
•Nov 7, 2019
Cpp codes are not best run by the compiler used, change the max time limit allowed for cpp codes.
By Sarang S
•May 7, 2020
Please Review the Lectures for Week-5 as they are a bit difficult to understand and follow along
By Deleted A
•Dec 7, 2019
Great course! Very challenging algorithms though, and there is not a lot of help from the course
By Ruibo W
•May 31, 2019
The assignments are a bit too time consuming and are more than what I need to learn and practice
•Jul 14, 2018
I feel week 5 lectures would be easier to grasp if more explanation was available in the videos.
By Tomasz J
•Oct 10, 2016
Great course, however some assignment are really difficult and the forum seems not very helpful.
By Jimmy
•Mar 24, 2016
I really think this is a good course, but some of them is hard to understand for me as beginner.
By Deleted A
•May 27, 2020
Loved the course but it was difficult sometimes to grasp what the instructor was trying to say.