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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Age of Cathedrals by Yale University

487 ratings

About the Course

An introduction to some of the most astonishing architectural monuments the world has ever known—Gothic cathedrals. We shall study the art, literature, intellectual life, economics, and new social arrangements that arose in the shadow of the cathedrals and that were such an important part of the revival of cities in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The goal of the course is a better appreciation of the High Middle Ages, a world that is still recognizably our own....

Top reviews


Jan 8, 2019

I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I learned so much about cathedrals and their history. The professor was engaging, the forums were lively, and the imagery and music was beautiful and inspirational.


Jun 2, 2020

A well presented course that was both interesting and informative.It has given me a thirst for further knowledge and the system of peer review worked well. I look forward to my next Coursera course.

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176 - 185 of 185 Reviews for Age of Cathedrals

By Ygor K B

Jun 6, 2019

Very good.

By Fatosin J F

Jul 8, 2020


By Merete M

Dec 19, 2017

I have participated in another course at Yale, and there were not the many faults as in this course (wrong answers in quizzes). I find that questions in the essays were very different from the titles, and I find the questions in the four essays were very alike. I would have liked to write about "Biblia Pauperum"! Too many videos were more guide material than university level. Anyway it was interesting and I will look at the cathedrals in another way. Thank you.

By Ilya B

Aug 1, 2023

I expected more focus on architecture and social aspects while the course is primarily focused on the religious aspects and mythology. Too much of a course is the lecturer reading out loud the passages from religious and other contemporary texts. A student who is focused on Christianity may find this course a lot more fulfilling than a secular or otherwise non-Christian student who is generally interested in the Middle Ages or generally in architecture.

By Susan A

Jan 28, 2018

Mostly interesting overview of the building and architecture of a few of the great cathedrals, with a lot of sidebars about the lives of the kings and saints.

By Nathalie S F

Jun 17, 2021

interesting class, but not very varied, and a bit too long ...

By Francisco H

Jul 1, 2020

las entregas de texto no se conducen con los videos

By Linda W

Jun 3, 2019

I started out optimistically, but in the end I was disappointed by this course:

No list for further reading

No interesting discussions on the forums

Very long texts to read that did not really contribute to my understanding of the course

No active mentoring

Many frustrated people because there were not enough essays to review

By Erica G S

Dec 7, 2022

There are written


that are not mentioned

in the course

advertisement. Don’t

do this course if you are just wanting to learn from the

videos for fun.

By Anne S

Jul 14, 2021

So far, the lectures are monotonous and mostly consist of the reading aloud of quotes, making them pretty hard to get through. Might depend on which angle you're interested in, but for those interested in art history, this course lacks high-quality visuals and interpretation and focuses on contextual details that don't always seem relevant or engaging. You're better off reading a good textbook.