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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Assets in Accounting by Intuit

1,198 ratings

About the Course

In this second course, you will dive deeper into the world of bookkeeping and focus on accounting for assets. If you are familiar with bookkeeping basics, such as double entry accounting, you are ready for this course. You will gain an understanding of common asset types, learn how to account for inventory, calculate cost of goods sold, and work with Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E). Upon completing this course, you will use your new knowledge of assets to record transactions and produce financial statements for increasingly complex business situations. By the end of this course, you will be able to: -Summarize the common types of assets a business may have -Describe the importance of control over inventory -Outline how depreciation expense is reported on an income statement -Illustrate how transactions can be recorded in terms of the resulting change in the elements of the accounting equation. Course 1 Bookkeeper Basics, or the equivalent, is a recommended prerequisite for this course....

Top reviews


Jun 8, 2022

Cool course!Guys, who can't answer question #3 in the last test check this: Trial Balance is a representative of each nominal ledger account and will hold either Debit or Credit Balance, not both.


Sep 1, 2022

The material doesn't lend itself to a captivating tale but it is presented very well and the fact that it can be done at one's own rate is wonderful for those of us who have limited time.

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26 - 50 of 365 Reviews for Assets in Accounting

By Ariana P


Apr 26, 2022

The course is very buggy and hard to follow at times. a lot of concepts are ill explained. i wish there was an example case study to look at so i know what went wrong on mine.

By Alexandria R


Nov 4, 2021

Teaches you good things, but quiz questions are often badly worded or sometimes just plain wrong? Still worth it, but extremely frustrating

By Layth E


Jun 12, 2023

I'm giving the same review for all 4 courses. Most the problems start small in the first course and get worse and worse as you get to the later courses. If this "course" was available for free on Youtube I would thank the creator but still tell them that there are too many problems to be able to recommend it to anybody. But this isn't a free bookkeeping course on Youtube, it's a paid course created by a company that runs the largest and most profitable bookkeeping software in existence - QuickBooks. This company is to bookkeeping what Disney is to animation and I can't call this "course" anything other than a scam.

First off it is clearly not a cohesive course. The info is taught in a jumbled order with lots of information repeated and lots of other information omitted entirely. There are 2 main components. First is the weird black AI teacher with a Jewish accent who has wonderful graphics full of information but no actual knowledge and is reading off a script. Second are the actual qualified bookkeepers whose videos are clearly old training videos repurposed for this "course". The location they are in changes and I swear one lady's hair color changes 3 times. This is info from years apart and has been loosely aggregated together. And of course the people that actually know what they are talking about hardly ever have any graphics or information along side them to actually show you what they are talking about. About 80% of their screen time literally takes the form of, "That thing the AI teacher was talking about is important because if it's wrong then the accounts are wrong and people might make bad decisions based on the wrong info. They talk about examples and never actually show any.

There are typo's and errors and misinformation all over this course. It's astounding. And even though there are places to report errors and the forums are full of people complaining they never fix it. They continue to take people's money for a broken course and refuse to fix it. The debt to equity ratio slide says to divide debt by equity then shows them divide equity by debt. Plus the answer they show is 4.1 when the answer (to their already wrong equation) is .41. The real actual answer is something like 2.5. They literally divided the wrong numbers got the answer .41 (which would not make sense in context) and instead of double checking their work decided to just move the decimal point over because 4.1 would be a reasonable value. This is only one of probably 25-30 errors in the course and those are only the ones I caught. These are not small missable mistakes. They are large egregious errors that any qualified bookkeeper should be able to see immediately leading me to believe that this course has never been reviewed by one. They teach a whole course about how to enter and double check everything twice and they didn't even check the course once. And again even after we complain they do nothing to help us or fix the problem.

The exams are total bullshit. They spend the whole course showing you how to do stuff in quickbooks and all the exams are in HORRIBLY formatted excel sheets. The excel sheets have to be fully completed and filled in before you take the exam and the excel sheet is never submitted or checked for accuracy and they never, even after completing it, tell you the correct answers. Due to the nature of bookkeeping your answers depend on previous answers so you could mess up on one of the first entries and do the other 90% of the excel sheet right and still get only 10% of the exam right. It's total bullshit and there is never any way to know where you messed up and you just have to start all over. Exams 3 and 4 have major errors in them. Exam 3 straight up calculates profit as taking value away from the business. A ****ing toddler could tell you that isn't true. And it's not like these errors are reflected in the answers. If you do everything right you will get the wrong answer unless you manually edit the prefilled parts of the excel sheet yourself.

Even the final exam on Intuit's website that you are supposed to take after this whole course had an error where it asked me what account type something would fall under and all the answers were descriptions of entire journal entries none of which included the account the question would fall under. Completely asinine.

If you got the Couresa 7 day free trial and want to blow through all 4 courses in a week for free there would be some value to it. It teaches you "OF everything you need to know". Meaning it gives you all the relevant terms. But if you want to pass a real exam I would take the list of terms and verify what they mean and how to use them with independent sources to verify you learned it correctly and/or that the course didn't define it poorly or outright wrong. I completed all 4 courses in a little less than 20 total hours (not 40-64) so you could complete it in under a week for sure but I also did fast forward through quite a bit of the actual bookkeepers talking if they didn't pull up QuickBooks and actually show you how to do something. Sometimes they teach you but if their segment starts with "This is important because" you might as well just skip it especially if you are a visual learner like me.

By Rachel F


Aug 16, 2022

The final test/case study looks nothing like what the videos explain, and the questions are confusing and vague. The cartoon "teacher" is annoying and patronizing. I want to learn the material, not hear corny jokes about shoes.

By Regina V


Mar 31, 2022

This course has not prepared me for the case study to complete, nor the exam. I will have to waste time reviewing multiple modules.

By Oleg M


Jun 8, 2022

Cool course!

Guys, who can't answer question #3 in the last test check this: Trial Balance is a representative of each nominal ledger account and will hold either Debit or Credit Balance, not both.

By Alexia D


Mar 23, 2022

I am continuing to enjoy this course, I very much look forward to completing it! All in all, it was nice. I really like and appreciate the way it is structured. There were a few things, however. I had some trouble getting a few of the videos to play and ultimately they did not work-the audio cut off after a few minutes. Thankfully I was able to just go off of the typed transcription of the video to do my notes. Also, there seemed to be another glitch with the final quiz. I was able to figure most of the questions out, but like many others, question #3 and another one posed issues. Not sure what the answer/issue is there, but I hope our reviews are able to provide help in getting things worked out!

By Sandra M


Dec 29, 2021

Things are explained well enough, but there needs to be about 3 times the amount of practice exercises. The final assignment was great but very difficult to remember and go back over everything. It would have been better had we had more of those type of exercises along the way. Some practices were ridiculously oversimplified to the point they didn't even make you thing. It would just point or outline the place you were supposed to put the numbers. This is fine for a first exercise, but it should be followed up with something more challenging. Also in final exercise, I had the wrong amount under total debits, and I'm still not sure where my mistake was (my credits equaled debits and my income and balance sheet resulted in the correct numbers for the final quiz, so i'm still not sure where the mistake was in the trial balance. Would be nice to know.

By Scott M


Oct 4, 2021

The information is fairly useful but I found there to be several errors or inconsistencies in the answers including the formatting of the numbers entered. In other words, even though I entered the correct answer, it was still marked incorrect when I didn't enter the number as it was specifically required (entering .00 when there weren't to be any .00 in the answer or entering a "." when I should have entered a ",").

By Aimee N


Jan 28, 2022

Wish instead of Excel we could use a Quickbooks training platform, Excel is so tedious having to go back and forth through the sheets. Also, there were so errors in the quizzes that marked the right answer wrong, and some glitches in the videos. ThIs course has to be reviewed for errors and clarity.

By DeAnna B


Nov 19, 2021

Some of the quiz answers are incorrect, and some do not provide adequate information. Someone should review. Example - Equipment purchased on May 1st Value $25,000, Salvage $6,000,useful life 5 years. Depreciation would not be $3,800 - they did not own it all year, only 8 months.

By Kim W


Mar 3, 2024

This course needed more journal, general ledger, trial balance, income statement and balance sheet and inventory examples and practice. Need more thorough examples and practices, less fluff and more hands on practice.

By Isabella W


Nov 18, 2021

There were many glitches and actual errors, even in the final quiz. Intuit has not addressed these problems even after they have been informed of it. Very disappointing. Bookkeeping is a detail-oriented profession.

By Lucy K


Feb 22, 2024

The multitude of errors are a shame considering the reputable source. Otherwise I enjoyed.

By Bruce L


Nov 22, 2021

The test at the end was poorly constructed and there's no way to check answers.

By Shannon R


Sep 21, 2021

There are a lot of significant errors in multiple quizzes and a large section of audio missing.

By Aaron M


Oct 28, 2021

Course has several minor errors. Overall the content is educational and accurate.

By Zachary B


Feb 2, 2022

Very little actual practice and in depth explanation for very difficult concepts such as depreciation and cost of good sold. This should either be broken up into segments so that there is more practice for said concepts or made their own lessons in and of themselves.

By Gavy C


Sep 23, 2022

I do not like this course it needs be more specific and have more help for when questions arise I dont feel like this is teaching the online hands on quick books accounting now a days is done through software

By Mary J W


Apr 19, 2022

This course on assets accounting was well done providing students with a solid understanding of inventory, prepaid assets, PP&E and other assets. Students learned how to create journal entries to manage asset depreciation, equipment leases, inventory tracking (including COGS) and promissory notes. It was beneficial to see the entire accounting process from general journal entries to completion of a balance sheet. Having said this, I thought it was a very difficult course. Students need to expect to take more time above that to go through the exercises. The course builds on familiar concepts but it gets complicated quickly. I was able to complete the course only because Coursera was flexible in setting time goals. FInally, I appreciate that Coursera includes examples of modern and diverse small businesses in this course. Thank you for making bookkeeping fun!

By Aspen H


Apr 30, 2023



By Rais H


Jun 4, 2024

Have a nice day, my teacher. Thank you for this course. This is nice work, teacher! I have completed this course, which is like full gratification! Employers appreciate these kinds of classes and can appreciate what's needed. I have developed during my learning. There is an opportunity to feature this project in my portfolio and add details to illustrate my rational thinking and skills. My recently completed course would look great on my profile. I appreciate you, and I am very grateful for the knowledge that you give to people.

By Mary L


Jul 8, 2023

I enjoyed the course and the pace and materials were great. I did answer some questions wrong, and on the final test, I had some errors - I passed the test but would like to have a resource to see where my errors are so that my figures match exactly. For me that would be a great learning tool to practice and reinforce what was learned. I think my error is with my inventory, and COGs, but not sure.

By Mostafa S


Aug 15, 2023

Excellent course I really liked the general idea of learning and the flexibility learning and how to receive and learn the information, also what I see here and I like too it is give you a practical examples from a real life and situation that you will faced in your career far from the theories or complexity during this technological development & the artificial intelligence .

Thanks Team,

By Fernando A


Oct 25, 2022

This course made me think and work through the problems. Especially the Worksheet problem from which the results of the transactions were needed for the quiz. When things weren't balancing it was difficult, but I eventually could see where I made the mistakes and they made sense!