Digital Innovation in Education


Deston T.Opens in a new tab is a Global Citizen and uses his platform to advocate for Sustainable Development Goal 4: quality education. He spent six years teaching ESL in China. Upon returning to the US, he has been engaged with the Malala Fund, Literacy Pittsburgh as a volunteer teacher, the SDG Academy, St. Joseph's Indian School, the Adobe Education Exchange, and Girl Rising. He is a Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator and has become an expert in online education after completing over one hundred MOOCS. He dreams of both teaching on Peace Boat and starting a social venture in China for the children of migrant workers without access to education.

Digital Innovation in Education


Deston T.Opens in a new tab is a Global Citizen and uses his platform to advocate for Sustainable Development Goal 4: quality education. He spent six years teaching ESL in China. Upon returning to the US, he has been engaged with the Malala Fund, Literacy Pittsburgh as a volunteer teacher, the SDG Academy, St. Joseph's Indian School, the Adobe Education Exchange, and Girl Rising. He is a Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator and has become an expert in online education after completing over one hundred MOOCS. He dreams of both teaching on Peace Boat and starting a social venture in China for the children of migrant workers without access to education.

Recommendations from an Educator

Bring the best educational techniques and technologies to classrooms across the world.

As our society becomes more complex, schools must adapt their methods to prepare students for new challenges in the 21st century. This Collection will help you prepare for a dynamic educational leadership career in technology development, entrepreneurship, and policy; research and evaluation; or teaching and administration.

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