![[Featured Image] A smiling data scientist analyzes data featuring outliers at her desk and has graphs displayed on her computer monitors.](https://images.ctfassets.net/wp1lcwdav1p1/4Y7SQ7LAmQcoP16uW3YFlo/c8feb1d385318b6ef637bb2a230eb6ba/GettyImages-1751833779.jpg?w=330&h=216&q=60&fit=fill&f=faces&fm=jpg&fl=progressive)
What Are Outliers in Data Sciences?
Outliers are data points that lie an abnormal amount outside of the rest of the values in a certain data set. Discover how, as a statistician or data analyst, you might use several methods to help determine whether a certain value is an outlier.
October 2, 2024