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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Physical Chemistry by University of Manchester

719 ratings

About the Course

Chemical reactions underpin the production of pretty much everything in our modern world. But, what is the driving force behind reactions? Why do some reactions occur over geological time scales whilst others are so fast that we need femtosecond-pulsed lasers to study them? Ultimately, what is going on at the atomic level? Discover the answers to such fundamental questions and more on this course in introductory physical chemistry. The course covers the key concepts of three of the principal topics in first-year undergraduate physical chemistry: thermodynamics, kinetics and quantum mechanics. These three topics cover whether or not reactions occur, how fast they go and what is actually going on at the sub-atomic scale....

Top reviews


Jun 6, 2020

Thank you so much for giving and including this syllabus which is is very helpfull for my accademic.The lectures given was so clear, and understandabe and also the virtual labs were very fine.


Sep 23, 2016

I like this course very much as it talks clearly about the basic concept in this course.(Prerequisite: I have learned this course before, I just try to review all the info in this class.)

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1 - 25 of 132 Reviews for Introduction to Physical Chemistry

By ledinhlam


Nov 17, 2016

The information in this course is very useful. Help me to understand one of the part of physical chemistry. And the lectures are very clearly So thank Professors for the course!!

By Pham T H


May 12, 2020

It's really helpful to me. Great thanks to our Professors and coursea. It help me to understand much more about physical chemistry so that I can use it in my field. Great!

By Jeremy G


Mar 3, 2020

The lecturer's accent was nice, and the concepts he covered in the lectures were well explained, but the first quiz required a great deal of chemistry knowledge that was not covered in the videos. I did not expect an "Introduction" class to require prerequisites. I'll try this course again after taking an actual introduction course.

By David


Mar 5, 2016

This course is really, well, introductory. While the material presented is interesting, the lectures can be quite dull at times - especially later on in the course when substantial time is spent plugging numbers into the same expressions 3 or 4 times. Beginners will probably be better off reading a wikipedia article or any general chemistry textbook. For the others, setting the playback speed to 1.50 improves the quality of the course a lot.

By Deleted A


Nov 30, 2015

I find that this course is very well organized, clear and useful for those who are interested in Physical Chemistry. The theoretical concepts are explained step by step, through mathematical equations and practical exercises. I have particularly appreciated the virtual labs and the computer simulations, because I found them very challenging and helpful to understand the application of concepts.

Since the topics (Thermodinamics, Chemical Kinetics, and Quantum Chemistry) are fundamentals to really understand Chemistry, I strongly recommend this course.

Raffaele Pescitelli



Mar 4, 2019

This was an unbelievabable lecture.i have learn first time the schrodinger wave equation.fantastic lecture i have ever seen.many many thanks to my dear prof.

By Andres M M


Dec 4, 2019

The lectures on thermodynamics and kinetics are great, tests and labs about these sections are challenging and for this reason the progress in the course is fluid until the quantum chemistry section is reached. The lectures on Quantum Chemistry are boring and interest is easily lost when entering this section. The topics on quantum chemistry are not too hard to learn but it is tedious to do the activities due to the lousy approach and the extent of the sections.

By Mason W


Apr 13, 2020

A really interesting and well thought-out course that fed my curiosity for undergraduate level chemistry after finishing my A-Levels.

By Fed G


Mar 26, 2020

The course is really well constructed, very well explained and useful for having strong solid bases in physical chemistry !

By Stephen M


Jun 17, 2020

Terrible format. Really bad teachers. They do nothing to help you gain intuition or show real world examples. It is like a math class. Deriving equations on slides does NOT teach. The quizzes only show you how to do a problem if you get it correct. I needed to see how to do the ones I got wrong. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. It is a wast of time

By Johan E G P


Aug 27, 2020

I does not have any answers explanation or quizzes feedback, language accent is worst. instructors dont solve doubts in the forums and it does not have any reference to consult

By Diana C


Mar 21, 2021

I have a marketing background and took this course to learn something new that would help my career. I think this is best fit for those already with some type of background in chemistry and psysics. Luckily, I was studying chemistry on the side but just basic things. It took me a lot of time to complete the tests, even 10 hrs for one but I'm sure those who are used to these notions will have no problem. Wonderful professors and I really enjoyed the labs.

By John M B


Dec 23, 2020

The Assessments were a lot challenging and the feedbacks to practice quizzes are very helpful to truly understand the derivations of the answers. The Lectures were superb and most especially the Virtual Labs are an excellent aid to fully grasp the knowledge and techniques in practical context. Great Job! I really did enjoyed it though it was very challenging. Kudos to the instructors and the team for this course! More power to all of you!

By Ben M


Jul 24, 2019

The lectures are impossible to follow as it is just a list of equations poorly explained, while the assessments are incredibly more complicated than what is explained.

By Sarfuddin A T


Sep 11, 2020

It was almost an extensive course on physical chemistry with a brief introduction to quantum chemistry. Starting with Thermodynamics giving clear conceptions of Enthalpy and Gibbs free energy ad entropy and relevant applications in chemistry makes course useful to an science and engineering graduate. The course contents along with practice quizes makes the course self sufficient for the learners. A little more could have been added to the quantum chemistry part.

By Antonio J M R


Apr 10, 2016

This is a really suitable course for Physical Chemistry lovers and students, whichs introduces you into the world of Quantums, Thermodinamics and Kinetics, with wonderful videos plentiful of explanations, and really good programation, that encourages students. Congratulations to all the organazing lecturers!!

By Varun B


Jun 19, 2017

This course was well thought of, organised according to level of difficulty and came with cogent examples for each concept explained. However, the quality of sound in the latter videos sometimes hindered thorough comprehension which can be taken care of. Overall, one of the best courses I have done.

By Andrew K


Apr 27, 2020

The content is quality and explained well. The assessment quizzes are instructive for applying concepts to problems. The quizzes were quite easy which is helpful for understanding the basic concepts. More difficult problems would be welcome.

By Mariana L R


Dec 28, 2020

I learned so much from this course. I think the professors have an excellent ability to explain in simple terms very difficult concepts. It is also great to be able to brag about your knowledge in Quantum Chemistry ;)

By Daliya K S


Jun 6, 2020

Thank you so much for giving and including this syllabus which is is very helpfull for my accademic.The lectures given was so clear, and understandabe and also the virtual labs were very fine.

By qiaomu Y


Sep 23, 2016

I like this course very much as it talks clearly about the basic concept in this course.

(Prerequisite: I have learned this course before, I just try to review all the info in this class.)

By Taha


Jul 15, 2023

I would like to thank all the teachers for their brilliant and deep explanation of concepts, University of Manchester and Coursera for making me able to complete this course

By egeres


Jul 25, 2016

Excelente curso que enseña las bases de la química desde un punto de vista físico, lo recomiendo fervientemente.

By Sol


Dec 14, 2016

I find this course very informative and helped me develop my chemical background.

By Carlos V


Aug 26, 2022

Overall it is a good course for seasoned chemists to review important concepts covered in physical chemistry. Here are my recommendations: (1) instructors and techs should be wearing gloves during the virtual lab demos. It is unacceptable to perform experiments without them. (2) Jonathan Agger - very organized lectures but quizzes were above the difficulty of the material presented. (3) Michael Anderson - lectures required organization and the background noises were not conducive to a learning environment. His quizzes require work as some questions were repetitive and the difficulty level was too low. (4) Patrick O'Malley - lectures are decent but can be faster if presented in a pre-written slide format. Quizzes were pedagogical. (5) Lectures should follow Dr. Agger's format and quizzes Dr. O'Malley format.