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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Indigenous Canada by University of Alberta

23,067 ratings

About the Course

Indigenous Canada is a 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores the different histories and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores complex experiences Indigenous peoples face today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations. Topics for the 12 lessons include the fur trade and other exchange relationships, land claims and environmental impacts, legal systems and rights, political conflicts and alliances, Indigenous political activism, and contemporary Indigenous life, art and its expressions....

Top reviews


Sep 6, 2022

What a great intorduction to indigenous hoistory and cultiure. It is a breath of fresh air to hear about Canada's Indigenous history from an indegenous prespective that is clear, honest and unbiased.


Jun 21, 2021

T​his course was so impactful. Each module could be made into a course of its own. I would gladly take them if offered. I learned so much and gained new appreciation for Canada's Indigenous People.

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51 - 75 of 7,907 Reviews for Indigenous Canada

By John C

May 4, 2020

I started this course with an expectation that I would acquire some understanding of how First Nations people and "settlers" in Canada arrived at our current state. I think the course did an admiral job of that. The course represented clearly the mistakes made, the misunderstandings, the motivations, and the sad history that played out. What I still don't have is an understanding of where we are going next. We can't dwell on the past to the exclusion of planning for our mutual future. I also feel a bit lost on who the "players" are now, who will lead us forward?

By Kathryne C

Aug 4, 2020

The quiz questions are badly worded.

By Narinder S S

Jan 30, 2019

A very deep and layered learning with in-depth teachings on the varying degrees of struggles the Indigenous peoples of Canada endured during the settler invasions. I appreciated the geographical layout of how Canada was inhabited by the Indigenous people and how they navigated, traded and established mutual agreements with each other to ensure the land and its' inhabitants all thrived before the settlers arrived. A deep appreciation of how our Indigenous people value 'the whole' and not just how our natural resources benefit the limited few for the short-term. A great course which I wholeheartedly

By John B

Oct 11, 2021

This is a must for anyone, non-indigenous to Indigenous to complete. Should also be a part of the process to become a Canadian citizen. Very well done. I thank you for opening my eyes, mind and heart.

By Terri T

Nov 8, 2020

Many of the quiz questions were testing my reading capabilities instead of course content. Asking double negative questions is ridiculous.

By Candace c

Aug 18, 2020

why cant i get my certificate?

By Hayley G

Jul 28, 2021

The course started out great but went downhill fairly quick. The course material was based on shaming instead of educational informed decision making. I had high hopes for this course, and wanted to learn and be more aware after knowing of many hardships that indigenous communities have endured. I don't believe this course will help encourage advocacy for indigenous peoples, although that should have been the long term intention. Instead this course felt like it was doing the opposite with unnatural scripts and shaming while explaining information that should have been well known by the teachers.

By Mary L

Jul 9, 2021

This course was an excellent introduction to learn about some of the indigenous peoples of Canada.

I would like to comment on some of the other, less positive reviews, so that potential students are not put off from completing the course.

1. "The information was too one-sided." All the eurocentric history I have studied previously, was also one-sided. It is good to learn from different viewpoints, so as to gain a broader understanding.

2. "There were not enough examples of...(art, different nations, etc.) In a 12 week course, it is impossible to provide every bit of information each student wants. However, it is a great, brief introduction, enabling learners to search out further resources, if desired.

3. "The lectures were boring as the presenters were..(stiff, reading from a teleprompter.)" As I was told when I was enrolled in another indigenous studies course, we need to accept various ways of teaching. Indigenous peoples had to, and if you are really committed to learning an indigenous-based program, you have to adapt to different teaching styles. It is not easy, and I felt the same way as some of the commenters, at times, but I kept reminding myself of what my former teacher told me.

4. "There were too many teaching modalities, or the modalities were not used to their full capacity." Several different methods, such as lectures, interviews, videos of dancing, art, etc, are helpful for students with different learning styles. As for using the modalities to their full capacity, I feel that in such a short course, there would not be enough time to do so.

I sincerely hope that anyone who begins with an interest in this course does attempt it. I have a few positive points to add.

1. FREE! The fact that this course is provided free of charge, is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who wants to get a very brief synopsis of indigenous Canada.

2. SIMPLE & FUN: The lectures were simple to follow and the interviews and art added a fun component. I believe these attributes make this course accessible to many, including those who have never completed post-secondary coursework prior.

3. CONTRIBUTORS: The creation of this course must have been a monumental task and that fact alone makes one appreciate all contributors for their roles in creating the course.

4. SHORT & MANAGEABLE: The course was short and broken into manageable components. I completed it during breaks at work, in a month.

5. NO PRESSURE FOR GRADES: Unlike grade school, you can redo the quizzes until you pass, or get a higher mark. Personally, I redid the quizzes until I was sure I understood all the information reviewed.

Thank you

By Melissa R

May 8, 2020

This was an extremely important course, clearly outlining and diving into the Indigenous history of Canada. While challenging to hear even more of what colonization did to the Indigenous people, holding space by learning the deep pain that was caused by the settlers I believe is an integral aspect of moving forward in the best possible way, helping them to heal the wounds. I am intensely humbled by the ability of the Indigenous Nations in Canada to continue their vigilant efforts toward self governance and building even more robust cultures.

By Anne H

Nov 14, 2020

I enjoyed this course but found some of the questions on the end of the unit exams to be confusing based on how they were worded.

By Joan H

Nov 12, 2020

I enjoyed the content very much and learned a lot. It thought it was well presented. Lecturers were engaging any easy to listen to. My first online course.

I did not like format of the quizzes. Two things. Sometimes there were not enough questions. It’s hard to get a passing Mark if you get a couple of questions wrong if there are only 5 or 6 questions. Plus I thought the phrasing of the questions was terrible. Far too many questions were asked in a negative way. “What was not...” And they were just asked using obscure language that did not really reflect what we had been told, in my opinion.

By Carrie W

Dec 10, 2020

Redundant format for each module. Questions in quizzes felt designed to be tricky.

By Alex O

Aug 6, 2021

Here's a tip for people creating courses: Use the media to actually teach rather than distort.

There were so many instances where glib statements were made and not justified by evidence. In several instances, the statements jarred so strikingly with the material being presented that I had to pause the video to look up the details before proceeding. In every case it turned out the statement was either a lie or a gross distortion of what other sources say.

Here's another tip for people creating courses: when listing your sources in your course notes, assume people will want to look them up and read them.

The sources made for fascinating reading on just how limited the research into this course was. This is shocking given it comes from a Faculty of Native Studies at a university most conveniently located in Canada to invite interviews with many tribespeople and gather evidence that can be presented in a much more complete manner rather than just condensing it in the first video before moving on to topics of grievance and activism for the other videos.

Here's another tip for people creating course: try to hide your agenda a bit better where you have one.

The first video in each module was a fascinating insight to Indian customs, culture and 'ways of knowing' (this is why I am rating this course with two stars rather than one: there was some actual learning in it). Then the videos moved on to just brow-beat everyone non-native and stir up activism without stating why other than to foment outrage. This was particularly evident in the module quizzes, which were an obvious attempt to re-interpret course notes with meaning not imbued in the original presentations and coerce students to interpret course notes in a more militant manner.

Here's another tip for people creating courses: make the tests tests of knowledge not a means to inculcate.

A good test shows the student has taken the facts in and rewards them for retention and understanding, not to present striking new interpretations that must be answered correctly to gain marks. As the course went on and the amount of actual culture and history on display dwindled, more and more time was given over to radical reinterpretations of what the ancient culture must have been and using that as a basis to encourage uprising. The word 'Activism' was introduced far more regularly in later modules and the tests seemed to want to show the students knew how to use activism the best, as well as introducing the concept of 'social justice' (not a happy term to use to white settlers who battled the scourge of Soviet Communism - from where that term hails). Here's some reading for you: "Black Is Beautiful, Communism Is Not" by Yuri Bezmenov a.k.a. Tomas Schuman

Lastly, it was [un]fortunate timing that I was reading Tom Bingham's "The Rule of Law" at the same time as taking the module on Indigenous law and governance. Don't ever tell me that indigenous law - where the accused must plead guilty before restitution can be made - is in any way superior to a system that presumes innocence until proven guilty.

Oh, and you might want to rethink describing 'governance' correctly in one module before completely redefining it in the most incorrect manner possible in a later module. That kind of inconsistency looks deliberate and is not something to be 'forgiven' as you ask in the last video.

This course could have been a genuine joy and a true learning experience. Instead I feel grubby from being encouraged to become an activist.

...and I'm still not much more educated about what the culture of Indigenous people is. I got more information out of "The Adventures and Sufferings of John R. Jewitt" the memoir of a British armourer taken slave by the Maquinna of Nootka Sound on Vancouver Island for nearly three years before he escaped.

What were their regional diets, how was migration undertaken, why was there no written language, why was even stonemasonry not invented, why did the peoples not interact with the much larger and more successful Central American civilizations, what other stories were used to pass on intergenerational knowledge and what are the key themes to be able to know how to interpret them?

By Donna A

Sep 28, 2020

Other than hating myself as a colonial racist and patriarchal settler at the end of the course I learnt some new things.

There was a problem with the course in regards to the tone of the course which felt angry or sarcastic. I enjoyed learning from the prof from U of A when he brought to life the stories of the Indigenous soldiers.

The story is complex and when the course reports that CBC took down their comment section because of the hateful racist comments in regards to natives ,you forgot to include the context and that that decision included refugees and Muslims. I felt you were creating the noble victimized Indigenous story . I took the course because i wanted to be more informed and actually be present and active as far as truth and reconciliation

I will continue to do this . I would like an extensive reading list to accompany the information from the Indigenous Canada course.

thank you for you time

donna abbey-colborne

By Gary N

Dec 6, 2021

I became increasingly disturbed with the creeping bias and inflammatory tone as the course progressed. By the end, I felt it had just reinforced many old and ignorant stereotypes. I truly believe this is an opportunity missed and more worryingly, has undermined the spirit of reconciliation itself.

Other's have commented on delivery style, questionable historical accuracy, distorted perspectives and the poor quizzes. I'll say no more.

In conclusion, if you want all Canadians to understand indigenous culture and world views, its very hypocritical to disparage other worldviews which this course does frequently.

By Melissa B

Mar 12, 2021

I am not learning much. This isn't taught in a coherent fashion. I am not learning in a way that makes sense for me. One video shows dances, the next, suddenly I'm in a language class. Also, I can't Unenroll, it won't go off my list. I was very interested in gaining some knowledge about Indigenous groups in Canada, but this isn't the format for me I guess.

By melanie w

Mar 17, 2021

The course was great (5 stars) but I paid for a certificate course and can't share it or see it. There are no links to contact Coursera to find out where this is or how to get it. I would recommend taking the course but without paying for a certificate that you can't even access.

By Melanie J

Nov 18, 2020

Not receiving certificate

By Leanna B

Aug 22, 2019

I am white and my ancestors are colonizers. I took this course because I realized how ignorant I was to Indigenous history in Canada. I read stories in the media that I did not understand and wished to seek out a better education. Anything that I learned in the public school system, which was limited to begin with, was post-colonialization and from the perspective of Europeans. Since taking this course and having many conversations about it with my mom, who is currently in grad school, she decided to take an Indigenous Studies class herself. I have also been able to apply to newfound knowledge to conversations with other non-Indigenous folks and have really productive dialogue. I hope to continue the conversation, respect the land I inhabit and be an ally for this community. Many thanks for creating this fantastic course.

By Marina D E E

Oct 13, 2020

Tt was my first course on Indigenous Peoples ever and I found it enjoyable and informative. I follow a Circle of All Nations ...which is now led by Romola on behalf of Grandfather William Commanda; an Algonquin elder who has taken the long walk and passed over.

I attended on Parliament Hill , the gathering of the Elders for the Apology. Through this course I now have a better understanding of the history of Canada beyond the Colonial History I was taught.

One of my maternal ancestors who lived in Ipswich, Massachussets took part in advocating for local Indigenous land rights following the Maine Massachusetts Quebec Peace treaty (s).

I now understand how important the ancestors are and I want to revisit some of the modules before the course has ended.

Thank you so much for this course, it has truly been educational!

By Stephanie V

Aug 30, 2020

As an individual working with at risk Indigenous youth, I found this course extremely insightful. There are many aspects of my job that pull from generational trauma, and troubles that Indigenous youth may face. I found that with this course it allowed me to have a better understanding of some of the aspects that my youth may have experienced prior to coming into protective care, and allowed me to help preserve the culture in a home based setting. I hope that I am able to use this information in the future to better assist my youth, and help them transition into the community. Thank you for putting on such a great and informative course! With the Covid 19 crisis, I found that being able to have access to online learning has been a godsend, and allowed a sense of "normalcy". I am forever grateful for online learning!

By Margaret W

Feb 4, 2021

Although it has taken me quite awhile to complete this course, I have learned a lot. In some ways my perspective has changed. I am a life-long learner at 76, reside in Winnipeg! This city has the largest migration from the North (I think).

I grew up in SW Manitoba, in a rural town where my father was one of few professionals. I have vivid memories of the reservation 6 miles down the road, and of the days 'the Indians came to town'. I have story-memories of some of those days.

I have participated in Courageous Conversation programs, the Blanket ceremony several times, and other discussions. This is an Indigenous course, however I found myself thinking (unit 11) of the many other communities of Canadians, for whom communities are equally important.

By Dianne M

Oct 7, 2020

Excellent , well presented, researched, informative and engaging. Thoroughly enjoyed each module and being able to study and review at my own pace was appreciated. Artwork, stunning and well described, kudos to artist Kudos to visuals used throughout as well and the presenters did a good job for the amount of information shared to keep it fluid chi meqwetch. Dianne Marilyn Musgrove (Whyacknook qwe) Ojibway Whitefish River First Nation, Ontario

By Kaisa H C

May 16, 2020

This was a thought provoking course which presented a lot of knowledge on the social, political, cultural, and spiritual structures previously unknown about the First Nation People in Canada. The only negative of the course is there are no more follow up MOOCs to this one! Well done in a respectful manner. Thank you for the knowledge.


Jan 12, 2019

I have been enjoying the course since it belongs to the Indigenous peoples having a very long history not only in North America but in other European countries. Amazingly designed course increase my knowledge and I would like to continue reading about Aboriginal peoples in future as well.