Sep 6, 2022
What a great intorduction to indigenous hoistory and cultiure. It is a breath of fresh air to hear about Canada's Indigenous history from an indegenous prespective that is clear, honest and unbiased.
Jun 21, 2021
T​his course was so impactful. Each module could be made into a course of its own. I would gladly take them if offered. I learned so much and gained new appreciation for Canada's Indigenous People.
By Yvonne M D
•Apr 8, 2021
I really enjoyed this course. I grew up in the Urban setting and was disconnected from my Native Roots, but always wanted to learn about this part of my heritage, even though it is a Canada program and I am an American, I felt at home, learning about the customs and tradition, I was never taught since my people passed as white and never practiced the old way of life, really helped me to understand more about my origins. I felt more connected to my heritage than I ever have, I just wish here in America was more like Canada, in how there is value in ones heritage in Canada, unlike here in America, where there is such a disconnect if you aren't living on the Res. The support outside the Res, like Neechi Commons, (Now Closed) friendship centers etc.... could really be beneficial in America, where there are Native Families who have never lived on a res and know so little about their culture, Great Program will recommend to anyone, even white folks, who seek a greater understanding of true history.
By Md. A H
•Feb 28, 2023
I recently took the Indigenous Canada course offered by the University of Alberta through Coursera.com and found it to be an invaluable learning experience. The course is divided into 12 modules, each of which covers a different aspect of Indigenous history, culture, and contemporary issues. The lectures were informative and engaging, and the accompanying readings and videos were well-curated and provided further insight into the stories and topics discussed.
The course was also incredibly interactive, with quizzes and activities scattered throughout the modules. I found these to be incredibly helpful in reinforcing the learning material and I believe they are a great way to enhance the learning experience.
Overall, I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to gain a better understanding of Indigenous history, cultures, and contemporary issues. The course material is comprehensive, engaging, and interactive and provides a unique perspective that I believe everyone should be exposed to.
By Ellie W
•Sep 25, 2022
This was a fantastic opportunity to learn the truth behind Canada's history and the many contemporary issues we have in society. I really appreciated the non-judgmental tone of the presenters and the content and how they present the facts. It helped me, as a learner to open my heart and mind to be receptive and consider the information laid out in each module. As a 55+ person, I did not learn about Canada from any other perspective than the colonial and patriarchal views of gov't officials, textbook publishers and newspaper/media outlets. I learned so much more from this course and I hope it's just the beginning of my journey to dig deeper and learn the truth. I am grateful to the dedicated team who designed and presented this course. Thank you. PS - The inclusion of the art component was brilliant! It invites vieweers to linger, and in turn can help people to connect and synthesize information. It also reinforces the message that First Nations art & culture are flourishing!
By Scott R
•Jan 4, 2021
Really enjoyed this course. It explored a range of topics that I knew very little about, many of which should be included in basic school curriculums in Canada. I'm so happy to have gained a better understanding of indigenous people in Canada, both in historical context and contemporary issues. Thanks so much.
One perspective I felt could have been included in the course was the integral role of indigenous peoples in Canadian resource development and extraction. Despite many challenges, there have also been many success stories, particularly in the mining industry, in the form of collaboration agreements, aboriginal employment opportunities (often in isolated northern communities with high unemployment) and successful consultation/collaboration. Many mining projects have been beneficial to both indigenous communities and the Canadian economy as a whole, and I believe those success stories should be told as a "path forward" for all Canadians working in a resource-driven economy.
By Ryan B
•Feb 10, 2021
This is and edit on my previous review (hopefully this is better) and pardon my terrible grammar .
I'm still a little late on this review in general since finishing this course. What do I say as someone who needed to learn more? I think I had to take it all in and truly think about it.
I thought because I had worked in a field where I worked with indigenous youth before that I had a decent idea about the dynamics of a culture that has been undermined. No I did not. I realized I had been ignorant at times. I think its something some people need to start acknowledging more about their privileged life. Many of us can be so much better.
Any "Canadian" should learn this course . Its so difficult to type anything about a whole course in a few sentences. If you're interested in learning and have an open mind.... which apparently is still needed... then take this course.
I'm going to be better, and I think we can all do that. Seems indigenous people knew that right from the start.
By Jan
•May 1, 2020
I loved this course. I learned so much about Inidgenous history both past and recent and ongoing. I have a much better sense of the impact that colonialism had and is still having on Indigenous peoples . I also realize how my education in the Canadian education system is so onesideed so heavily influenced by colonialism . I know sadly that it has not changed very much ..This course should be a mandatory part of our current curriculum in schools across Canada,
I am so grateful for the all the participants in the lectures especially Billy Ray Belcourt , what a speaker!!!!!!!
I am so grateful for this clearer understanding of the Indigenous experience throughout Canadian history and what is still ongoing today. About Inidgenous Ar tI do have to say that I have always seen it as art. I have loved Inuit sculpture since I was a kid . I have read several Indigenous authors listened to Indigenous music just because, but I will understand more the place where it comes from within now.
By Lily A
•Dec 9, 2021
This course is essential for all Canadians in order to understand indigenous history and culture as it relates to Canada. I am even more humbled by the richness, diversity and beauty of indigenous cultures and will continue to do my work on understanding more about where I live and who was here before us.
This course in beautifully crafted and organized. It has taught me that in order to live in Canada, everyone needs to face the facts about this great country. We need to face the ugliest parts of Canadian history as well as understand the incredible depth and diversity of the cultures that resided here long before settlers arrived.
Thank you to the facilitators who spoke and taught throughout the course and to all that put this amazing piece of education together. Also to the incredible artist we see in each section, whose work will have a lasting impression on me. It taught me so much. I know there is more to learn but this is an incredible start!
With love and gratitude....
By Jean-Francois P
•Nov 9, 2020
Today I completed this program, and throughout each module, I was totally involved and learned so much about Indigenous cultures in Canada. To my total disappointment, I realized during the first few modules that our Federal and Provincial Governments and the educational system have lied and hidden so much from us, and I would even say purposely misinformed Canadians and the world about the abuse and the horrible treatments of Indigenous people.
I would suggest that this program be mandatory in all schools across the country from grade 4 or 5 up to grade 12 to properly educate and inform the young generations before their probably already racist entourage wrongly indoctrinates them.
Thank you to all who participated in researching, preparing, and delivering this seminal program that sheds an accurate perspective on Indigenous populations from 1534 to today.
Thank you to the three hosts for a wonderful experience. I am now a more aware, knowledgeable and thankful person.
By Sylvie B
•Mar 18, 2021
Très intéressant. Ce cours m'a aidé à mettre ensemble plusieurs pièces du casse-tête et m'a permis d'approfondir mes connaissances sur les peuples autochtones au-delà des préjugés et des stéréotypes véhiculés par la société. J'ai aimé être exposée à l’histoire, la culture, la philosophie, l'art, les valeurs et l'éducation des peuples autochtones d'un point de vue autochtone. Je comprends mieux l’impact de la colonisation sur la population des premières nations et comment le racisme systémique continue à créer des préjudices. Face à la crise climatique à laquelle nous sommes tous confrontés, nous aurions beaucoup d’enseignements à tirer de la sagesse transmise par la parole des aîné-e-s. Je recommande ce cours à tous, et en particulier aux canadiens et canadiennes ne serait-ce que par devoir et respect envers les premiers habitants de notre terre d’accueil. La parole autochtone est pour moi une force émergente qui ne peut qu’enrichir nos vies si on y prête oreille.
By Mari L P
•Jun 11, 2021
I thought I knew much about Indigenous Canada. The Treaties section was and eye-opener and mind blowing as to how the Canadian Government are still have control and suppresses the people with the creations of various Laws, Acts and other roadblocks so they remain dependant on them.
The entire course was very informative. It should be a recommendations for high school students. There are to many negative images of the Indigenous Peoples so it would be wonderful if Newcomers to Turtle Island should have to learn about Canada an then when they take their Canadian Citizenship test their should be questions on the country and peoples they choose to become citizens. Being an Indigenous person that is non-Canadian, I can identify with the stereotypes and negative lenses we are viewed.
I got sick after completing Week 9, but I was happy that I was able to extend my completion date. Highly recommend the course to anyone wanting to learn about Canada Indigenous History.
By Anne-Marie J
•Jan 5, 2023
This was an excellent course. I wish there was more art shared on the arts portion, but I understand that with licensing, etc. they probably couldn't. I was brought up in Canada, and did very well in Social Studies, which is the subject that teaches us about government and history. I am honestly so disappointed that while I was growing up all this knowledge and information was kept in hidden and not taught to us. I am so glad that this is coming to the forefront of society so that we can learn what has been kept behind closed doors and understand what our wonderful Indigenous peoples have to share with us! What a lot of pain and suffering has happened and continues to happen, needlessly. How could we learn about the atrocities of WWII and South Africa, and all this time the same and worse is happening on Canadian soil, right where we live! I am grateful to the presenters and the creators of this course for teaching me all that I didn't know. Thank you.
By Jason G
•Sep 9, 2020
As someone who grew up, denied of his heritage and culture. I am grateful for this course, it's knowledge, understanding and inspiration. The lesson on art and it's ability to raise awareness, understanding, while inspiring, touched my soul and encouraged me even more to continue with my public art sculpture, The Missing Rose. The Missing Rose, funded through the Original Peoples Investment Program by Calgary Arts Development and the City of Calgary. Is a contemporary metal sculpture of 11 enlarged polished steel roses, set in a broken heart shaped vase, centered on a Medicine Wheel base. 11 Roses as one is missing to honor and commemorate our lost sisters. This project is focused on raising awareness and donations, while honoring and commemorating the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls of Canada. Thank you Tracy Bear, Alannah Mandamin-Shawanda, Isaac Twinn and everyone involved in making this course possible. All my Relations,
Jason Gordon
By Kathy M
•Dec 5, 2021
I can't say enough good things about this course. It's enriching, well delivered, well structured, the course notes are an incredible and comprehensive resource for further study. As a settler immigrant to Canada with over 35 years in the country, I wish I had access to this information decades ago. I came into the course thinking that I knew quite a bit about Indigenous people's history and contemporary issues and I'm leaving the course with the humble realization that I've barely scratched the surface. I am inspired to continue to learn the truth and to impact positive change through my personal journey of education and understanding which guides me through my own experience of sadness and rage, determination and courage and ultimately, humility and love to stand together with Indigenous peoples in the spirit of reconciling and healing, for the benefit of all people, all tribes. I highly recommend this course. I truly can't believe it's free!
By Doug O
•Jul 1, 2020
Very well-delivered and presented. The trio of educators worked well together, each delivering a distinct style of teaching. I was frequently shocked (and saddened) to realize the misinterpretations of Indigenous history that I was exposed to during my secondary and post-secondary education. The selectivity with which our textbooks and teaching materials were produced years ago. And the biases that we non-Indigenous were and often continue to be exposed to. Excellent balance of video, quizzes, interactive art and reading. (There were a few hiccups with the transcription of the interviews and lectures as some speakers words were transcribed inaccurately so their spoken words were contradicted by the transcription notes. I found this in the last third of the course. THUMBS UP for the variety of interviewee subjects and experts. I highly recommend this course, especially to anyone in media or communications and, of course, for educators. Many thanks.
By Dechen Y
•Apr 9, 2022
This course opened my eyes to the rich history of the Indigenous peoples in Canada, the centuries of injustices suffered post contact and the inter-generational trauma that runs deep beneath continuing struggles being faced today. First Nations people's close relationship with the land and nature resonates with my personal belief that we are closely connected with the earth and must treat her with respect in order to keep the soil, water and air clean for future generations. Doing this course has made me even more aware that where I live (Mississauga), is located on the Traditional Territory and Treaty Lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. I love how the course also hi-lights the resilience, leadership and creativity of First Nations peoples. Highly recommend this course for anyone who calls Canada home. Kudos to the team that put together and narrated the content and the fabulous artwork that accompanied the course. Thank you!
By David M W
•Nov 16, 2020
It is very difficult to offer a course that tries to cover the breadth of material that this course covers and to present it to people with a wide range of learning backgrounds, but I was very impressed with how good the course was. Overall, it was excellent and I would highly recommend it to others. If there was one thing I would have liked to have seen more about in the course it would be the historical relationship between Indigenous people and European settlers in the Maritimes (and southern Ontario and Quebec) prior to 1850. In that time period much of the focus of the course was on the fur trade and areas in the western and northern parts of Canada. It was mentioned that relationships changed in the west after 1850 when farming and more permanent communities were established, but there was not much about how the permanent settler communities of the east (and lack of fur trade in that region) defined Indigenous / settler relationships.
By Laurie J B
•Jan 14, 2022
Course Content and all Presenters were excellent! I had some limited knowledge of the real history of our Aboriginal Peoples and learned so much more in the course. I was filled with sorrow, heartache , and shame ; as well as hope and promise that we as a country and community we will Do Better moving forward. I will carry with me , what I have learned to share with family ,friends and neighbours . I am interested in more courses on our Indigenous Peoples. Thank you to all involved in the presentation and course study and for the free access.
Thank you to the tech staff , as I was committed to several on line learning situations and had to send 2 emails to connect me back into the course. It was almost immediate and so appreciated. Enabling me to complete this incredible learning experience. I suggest this course be in public and private schools across our country!
sincerely and with appreciation of everyone
Laurie Boyd
Fergus ON
By Calin M
•Sep 5, 2024
Insightful, relevant, & eye-opening. This course has opened heart & mind against the systemic, unjust & oppressive history & current affairs the people of turtle Island have endured by western society. I'm humbled by the incredible efforts of Indigenous people today & over the centuries past, to keep & care for what they deserve, to fight for their rights as human beings, & their right as the true & only caretakers of a world that most take for granted, abuse, & destroy for profit. I've always had an idea that what we are taught in school is not the full, correct, or fair teachings on the history of Canada & the indigenous community. I know now, we were all lied to or at the very least, subject to a curated western viewpoint. This course is greatly needed to expand the conversation within Canada about how the teaching of the indigenous communities may help create a better future, respect the past, & fix the problem we all face today.
By Gervin A A
•Mar 23, 2021
This is an interesting and very insightful course on Indigenous issues in Canada. I have learned a lot about how Indigenous peoples have been marginalized and discriminated against on their own land. I have also learned and gained knowledge about the history, culture and traditions of Indigenous people. Although settles have tried in diverse ways to change the culture and traditions of the people, they are not yielding to settle pressure and oppression but findings ways and means to maintain and conserve their traditions and cultures through social movements and activism. It is my pleasure signing up for this course and I give credit to the organizers for organizing this course for people to learn about Indigenous people's issues, especially the discrimination, subordination and marginalization they experiencing. I will recommend this course to anyone interested in studying and understanding Indigenous issues in Canada.
By Monique N
•Apr 2, 2021
This course is excellent, moving, and inspiring. I have studied the colonial history of Canada and the experiences of Indigenous Peoples in Canada before, however taking this course has reminded me and inspired me to continue learning and engaging with this history and these experiences. I am currently working on a second Masters and I am preparing a paper on intergenerational trauma and the ongoing impact of colonialism in Canada. As I write this paper, I will remember the many ways that this course has demonstrated Indigenous voice and agency and strength. It is not just about understanding the devastating impacts of ongoing colonial patterns and practices, but also seeing the strength and empowerment and leadership of Indigenous Peoples. I agree with the TRC report recommendations that non-Indigenous Canadians have an accountability to learn about our colonial past, not to passively wait for someone to teach us.
By Mary M
•Apr 11, 2021
This was an excellent, well-paced and engagingly delivered course. As a non-Canadian, but an anthropologist long interested in indigenous peoples, I found it very informative and logically organised. It is also to be commended for its thought provoking treatment of understanding wider issues of colonisation, patriarchy, racism, genocide, extractive exploitative economics, ecosystem degradation, and respect for different ways of knowing and world views, all so much needed by all peoples everywhere. I liked the combination of delivered lectures, art narratives, testimonials and videos. The notes will be very useful for further exploration of issues, events, places and people in more depth. I am grateful for this being made available free, and for the professionalism, commitment and authenticity of the three presenters, and the indigenous artist who "accompanied" the student at every lesson. Thank you all so much.
By Gail M
•Dec 4, 2020
I was glad to have had the opportunity to take this course. History texts,books need to be corrected and this course would be very useful for Grade 7, 8 and above. With regards to a specific ongoing battle out in the East Coast between the Miqmaq and the commercial fishermen - I am thinking that anyone who applies for a commercial liscence re fishing, hunting, logging, and any kind of resource extraction should HAVE to take a similiar kind of course as part of the liscensing process BEFORE they get their liscence. Hopefully something like this might deter events escalating to the point that they have out East. Gchii-miigwetch to all the intsructors, elders, artists and others who contributed to this course. I quickly caught the word indoctrination in one review and yeah if you have to see it that way - it might seem to be the only way to correct and move forward from the harm done by colonization.
By Karena M
•Apr 20, 2021
I'm so thankful for this excellent course. Since about 13 yrs old, I had a sneaking suspicion that there was WAY MORE to the history of Canada - that it really wasn't mainly about Christopher Columbus. Well, now we have a much better and clearer and realistic picture of what really happened. Thank you to the whole team at U of Alberta, your faculty and all the people who helped put this course together. I shall spread the word to encourage others to take this course. I've gotta say, having Dan Levy suggest it put a lot of wind in the sail - which is sometimes what is needed. I also enjoy the APTN tv station which has been discussing some of the topics I have learned about - getting more informed is pretty well a responsibility, wherever you live. And we happen to live in Canada, so...... Thanks again and wishing you the best of luck, courage and continued determination and successes going forward.
By Cindy L
•Aug 31, 2020
This was a wonderful course in that it was an honest look at the history of indigenous experiences. What I was really hoping for was a more in depth look at how indigenous and settlers coming west truly interacted with each other on a more personal level. Unfortunately there exists the "us" bs " them" mentality and until that goes we will always have this discourse. I was very happy to see the inclusion of the struggle of indigenous woman who married non-indigenous. I have two uncles who married indigenous woman when they came back from WW2. And the abuse and discrimination WE ALL faced because of that was staggering. And it came from both indigenous and non-indigenous. For people not well versed in history this course will be outstanding for them in that it will present an honest and compelling look into a part of this country's beginning. Thank you faculty for a wonderful and pleasurable journey!!
By Adrienne A
•Nov 11, 2020
I am so thankful to have heard about this course before it started and to have had the opportunity to learn alongside everyone. The Sunday live chats with Dan, the faculty members and guests were so inspiring and eye opening. I really appreciated being able to dive deeper into the content of the course through these conversations. I grew up in Winnipeg and was embarrassed at how little I knew about indigenous history and culture after living so long amongst the largest indigenous urban population in the country. I am beyond thankful for this opportunity to learn about things that I feel we should’ve learned in grade school. This has kickstarted my learning journey and I will definitely be pursuing more knowledge about our indigenous history and culture which helps me to better understand current events and enables me to be a better ally.thank you to everyone who helped bring this course to so many!