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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Brain and Space by Duke University

651 ratings

About the Course

This course is about how the brain creates our sense of spatial location from a variety of sensory and motor sources, and how this spatial sense
in turn shapes our cognitive abilities. Knowing where things are is effortless. But “under the hood,” your brain must figure out even the
simplest of details about the world around you and your position in it. Recognizing your mother, finding your phone, going to the grocery store,
playing the banjo – these require careful sleuthing and coordination across different sensory and motor domains. This course traces the brain’s
detective work to create this sense of space and argues that the brain’s spatial focus permeates our cognitive abilities, affect...

Top reviews


Sep 9, 2020

I like the details that this course provides about the functionality of the brain. Dr Groh definitely took her time to prepare this course, and she likes to go in depth detail about everything.


Aug 16, 2020

One of the best Neuroscience courses took in my life. The professor is very good at teaching and amazing personality and her research team is very great. Hope one day she would win Nobel Prize

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