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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Spanish Vocabulary: Careers and Social Events by University of California, Davis

202 ratings

About the Course

¡Hola! This fourth course will introduce new vocabularies in the areas of dining, fashion, professions and careers and will bring you ever closer to the 500 word threshold for beginning Spanish. The course will also introduce the subjunctive and the future tense so that you can begin to speak about future events, things they desire and pursuing professional goals. This is the final course before you will undertake a project that showcases your mastery of basic Spanish vocabulary and grammar....

Top reviews


Oct 29, 2020

Learning a language is a time consuming process, But the expertise you handled is appreciable.Buena suerte, Gracias


Feb 15, 2021

The course is thoughtfully planned out to enable beginners to easily grasp the nuances of a foreign language.

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