Jul 29, 2021
Great introduction course. I especially liked that the final graded assignment required self-learning and research since many topics were not covered in the course itself. That was interesting.
Jul 6, 2023
Excelente curso para aprender el desarrollo web desde cero con los lenguajes de HTML,CSS, JavaScript y lo que mas me gusto fueron los laboratorios practicos. Muchas Gracias a IBM y Coursera.
By Ankit k
•Jul 9, 2023
By Seytmuratov N O
•Jul 6, 2023
By Joaquin d l S
•Mar 20, 2023
By Niranjan S
•Sep 30, 2022
By Krishna K
•Jul 6, 2022
By bahla z
•Apr 12, 2022
By Hajji Z
•Feb 12, 2022
By Rajendra M
•Dec 11, 2021
By Sthita P T
•Sep 30, 2024
By Gaurav K J
•Jul 27, 2023
By Haryo M
•Jul 18, 2023
•Nov 20, 2022
By Ritu S
•Aug 21, 2022
By Mohanish v
•Apr 19, 2022
By Ms. W
•Jun 25, 2024
I love this course! Great beginner steps. It goes into the tech behind the coding instead of diving you right in. I was frustrated at first, but then I realized how it gave me solid grounding to stand on. I do wish there was more application for programming. Lots of code vocabulary you will have to memorize on your own. Hands on practice makes it easier. I also am more of a self-reliant learner. I'm not a huge fan of breaking things down so much that the structure of the learning interferes with the ability to continue learning. I don't know that I would use just this course for my learning needs but I'm still glad I found it. I especially like the use of Powerpoint/ slides to teach instead of just having me stare at a person's mouth the entire time. This is a class that had a real instructional designer and I greatly appreciate that. I enjoy the mixture between slide shows and getting to meet real people from the profession explain their experiences. Well designed curriculum.
By Fernando d S
•Mar 15, 2024
É um bom curso introdutório. Irá te apresentar os primórdios de aprendizagem de HTML, CSS e JavaScript. Aprender será por sua conta. Tirei 1 estrela pelos motivos da nota da avaliação final ser decidida pelos próprios alunos (um corrige a prova do outro), abrindo margem para algumas injustiças. Tive pontos retirados mesmo fazendo o correto, acarretando na redução da nota final. Li relatos de gente que teve a avaliação zerada por outro aluno. O correto era fornecer um corretor automático no Coursera como já vi em outro curso (você faz o upload do código e o corretor automático em segundos te dá a nota).
By Dan S
•Aug 5, 2021
Very good introductory class. I got a lot out of it. The reason it does not get 5 stars is due to the labs. The preview of the web pages didn't work. I had to create files on my local C drive and view them natively on my browser. Not a huge problem though. Also some things required in the labs were not covered in the lectures. There was enough documentation online to figure out how to do some things but I felt maybe the labs and lectures were not coordinated enough. However, if you want a fast crash course to understand HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this course was excellent.
By Steven G
•Nov 23, 2021
Overall this was a fun and great learning experience to get back into web publishing. I found all the assignments and labs to be informal and engaging. I give this 4 stars because Github really gave me trouble in the end and the lab environment was having issues when i left and returned the next day to finish my assignment. Be sure to type out the vftvk-Simple-Interest-Calculator in the terminal with caps where needed when pushing to Github.
By Joel R
•Sep 21, 2021
This course was good and challenging. You will have to do research in the final project. It does not hold your hand. Push through it and you will be better for it.
My only complain is on the final questions of the project. It asks for features not present in the requirements. I admit I may have overlooked them but I really searched.
Nevertheless, the course is worth it and learned quite a bit through the challenge of the final project.
By Andrew J
•Jun 30, 2022
Overall it was an interesting jump into the world of Web Development. I gave it 4 stars because it's definitely not for beginners. Most of the time I was lost in the later sections and I feel that the instructions need to be updated for the final project because I ran into a lot of issues. It did make me push myself to find online resources and learn more so that was good I suppose.
By Becca
•Jul 20, 2022
Overall this course helped me understand what you actually do as a web developer, I had no idea what languages were used. Most things you can figure out. I will say the JavaScript section should have more exercises. It was very difficult to get the concepts just by watching videos, I still don't understand Javascript. The class was worth it for me though, I learned a lot.
By Πάνος V
•Jul 1, 2022
So if you are an absolute beginner you need to know that probably you will need to study fearther so you can take this easily. Dont be afraid the most labs are helpfull. TAKE CARE ON JAVASCRIPT. So , it was a nice course but this lab enviroment some times it crashed. (DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE 20 SCREENSHOTS ON LAST PROJECT spoiler alert *)
By Harikrishnan K R
•Jun 21, 2023
The course is good enough to understand the very basics of html, css and javascript. The hands on lab exercises were helpful as well the developer insights. Course is little outdated on the lectures on javascript. Also it would be good if little more importance were given to the practical part rather than the theoretical part.
By Kevin P
•May 12, 2024
The Course was good and the provided materials are excellent. The teaching was clear and good. The only drawback i felt was the final project. I got 80% marks which makes me feel disappointed because I was already created 10+ website models.The grade sysytem was little corrupted but overall it was a nice course for begginners
By khireddine m
•Aug 10, 2022
the course and the final project are amazing but i see that, the voice of the reader in your courses look like a a machin voice thats hard to undrstand
cause its take every part with same volume and tonality and dont focus on the important part in the course
i hope this will help you to make it better