Oct 13, 2017
This is a must to do course for parents to be, parents and teachers. We need to build physically and mentally strong kids in future for this we need to adapt to these simple steps as per this course.
May 12, 2020
Very straightforward content and easy to follow for beginners. The course gives very simple tools that are applicable for child rearing when addressing problematic behaviour for children or teenagers.
By Bianca S
•Apr 21, 2020
Thank you so much Professor and Yale University for offering this amazing course. it has definitely changed my parenting and made some very fast changes in my daughters behavior. Thank you immensily!
By Shikha B
•Oct 13, 2017
This is a must to do course for parents to be, parents and teachers. We need to build physically and mentally strong kids in future for this we need to adapt to these simple steps as per this course.
By Alexander A
•Feb 25, 2019
Simply put, this course radically improved my relationship with my 3 and 4.5 year old children. Most importantly, it understand them and their needs. Raising children is challenging, even with the skills and strategies and learned and put to use in this course, however, creating positive behaviour has become quite manageable. Do not hesitate to take this course. It is well worth your limited time.
By Sanda K J
•Nov 6, 2020
Thank you for the engaging and educational course! I gained really great knowledge that I will definitely use in my work with children and with my children at home. The course leader is fantastic! :)
By Joseph M
•Nov 24, 2017
Sound evidence base. Does not stray far from the basics of operant conditioning but applies them in a way that does not undermine the attachment needs. There are similarities with the skills taught within parent-child interaction therapy. I like the way that it is explained in the videos; clear and concise with a bit of humor. If you are wanting to learn a couple of specific skills that can be applied within lots of very different families this is a very good resource. My only concern would be parents of children with significant emotional regulation problems who become genuinely overwhelmed and parents would need to learn how to step away from the behavioral model and to provide emotional connection and help them regulate. This would be especially true for children with significant attachment difficulties or trauma histories. However, that is not to say that these skills would not be useful in that situation, but additional skills would be needed.
By Nina L B
•Nov 7, 2019
Such amazing course, it’s useful and joyful to learn all the way through. I love it ! Thank you Coursera make learning easy to learn and share , I see the power of knowledge by E- sharing ! Wonderful!
By Sara B
•May 12, 2020
Very straightforward content and easy to follow for beginners. The course gives very simple tools that are applicable for child rearing when addressing problematic behaviour for children or teenagers.
By Najma. H
•Sep 5, 2020
I want my certificate...what shall i donow..Help me..i completed my course
Give me certificate so that i can rate 5 stars
By Josephine M
•Apr 6, 2020
I really found this course beneficial and have been using the tools and techniques with my 2.5-year old son. Actually, most of the tools can be applied to life in general and it's really made me more aware of my thoughts and what I choose to focus on — focusing on finding positive things to praise or encourage, as opposed to only reacting toward bad things or things that need to be fixed. The latter being ineffective and actually encouraging further bad behavior by giving it attention.
The teacher explains things very clearly and you can tell that he really cares about helping parents learn the most effective ways of shaping child behavior. The stuff he teaches is not just conjecture either, it's based in science and studies that have been done. I particularly like how he covers common misconceptions that parents have as well, as those have allayed some of my own fears.
Thank you for offering this course. It was very well done (my only criticism is that a couple words in the video transcriptions were wrong from time to time) and I enjoyed the 4-week format of it.
By Joanie
•Oct 1, 2020
Amazing tools to help you help your children. Thank you for making this class accessible. I have been begging for help for my son (he has explosive emotional outburst, extreme outburst, its not about the money necessary but it cost us thousands of dollars in home renovation to give you an idea) for 3 years now. The school won't help because he is doing fine in school, the health unit won't help because he doesn't have a mental illness diagnosis and he has been on a waiting list to see a paediatrician for 2 years now. A month into that course and I have seen some improvement. This course have done more for me and my family already than the health care system and psychologic "help" has done in 3 years (they have done nothing).
By Puihan J C
•Feb 11, 2019
Excellent Course! I think everyone would benefit from learning these behavioral skills. Not just parents, but all adults, anyone who is interested in effective behavioral changes. They are life skills, indeed!
THANK YOU, Dr. Kazdin, for putting this course on Coursera!
By Leung Y M
•Apr 11, 2019
The course covers concerns and techniques of child rearing. It was very organized, comprehensive and delivered in such a way that makes it easy to understand. Thank you very much, Professor Kazdin!
By Gregor V
•May 19, 2019
Yale Professor is fantastic. ABC system sounds amazing. I am not yet a parent but looking forward to it in the (hopefully) very near future. Thank you all for this amazing opportunity to learn.
By Anastasiya P
•May 21, 2019
I took a course because my 4 years old nephew have regular tantrums and he is not listening to his parents. Being a new parent I was suddenly overwhelmed about handling such a behaviour. Although my baby is only 7 months old, the thought of her being that difficult was scaring me. After taking the course I felt much more confident looking in the future, I have a tools now and I dont feel helpless anymore. I also started to use some of the tools with my nephew and they work magic. The nephew always been very loud and screaming around my baby which scared her. Now everytime we visit them or they come to our house I prompted the behaviour by asking him nicely with a soft tone not scream around the baby. I was surprised how far the prompt can go. It is not perfect yet but it is much better and I feel confident it can get even better.
By Yvonne C
•Jun 15, 2020
I have 4 kids, age from 2 to 20. School doesn't teach us how to educate our kids, or how to deal with relationship. We do it from what we saw from our parents or medias. We don't know what's right or wrong, and are not even aware what we have been doing might be wrong. Now, there is such a comprehensive class to help us and it's free. This course really provides the TOOLs which I can practice easily with my kids and, most importantly, with myself. I see the immediate result with slight change of my attitude towards my kids. If you have kids, please take this course and let's be better parents. ^_^ Reminder, while learning this course, please don't criticize yourself if you feel you have made a lot mistake. You didn't know. Now, You know! Enjoy!!
By Kerdia J
•Nov 27, 2020
Brilliant presentation and delivery from Dr. Kazdin. I enjoyed this course; I was able to understand and sit right through even some of the longer videos with no issues. Very well made, comprehensive and all rounded course for parents and even for people like me with no kids, but we encounter children throughout our lives and it's always beneficial to learn how to deal with them positively, no matter how brief the encounter is. These encounters could be very impactful on a child. I am quite happy to have completed this very useful course from an experienced lecturer with valuable insights, from a prestigious institution; Yale.
By Liat P
•Aug 11, 2020
I highly recommend this course. It provides clear and exact techniques to change the behavior of children. I have being a parent for a long time before I took this course, so I didn't think that I would learn something new about child rearing. However, I must say that I have learned a lot and tried some of the suggested techniques on my children. I think that this course excels in explaining exactly how to apply techniques most of the parents use in every day life. It elaborates how to praise, how to punish effectively and how to reach the child's heart. Thus, I recommend this course to every parent.
By Pamela Z
•May 30, 2020
Este curso me pareció genial. La forma en que está estructurado, lo hace muy accesible para quienes no tenemos una formación en sicología. Adicionalmente, el entusiasmo del Dr. Kadzin es genial en cada video, se hace muy fácil el aprender y seguir interesado en la siguiente clase. Lo recomiendo a ojos cerrados, sobre todo a quienes tienen niños, ya que permite tener un acercamiento metodológico a la forma de criar y ojalá, tener niños que se crien en una familia con un buen ambiente, entregando técnicas muy adecuadas para poder moldear algunas conductas que deseamos en los niños.
By Ma. F C Y
•Aug 20, 2019
Extremely relevant techniques not only for parents but also for teachers and anyone who deals with people -- which means Everyone. Simple, concise and well-organized content that is easy to follow. A professor who is an expert in the field -- so you cannot really ask for a better one.
Actually, I am more of a "starter" on Coursera, which means I start many courses but finish only one or two; and this is the second course I devoured!
By Edna I D A
•Jan 25, 2019
Very useful information. As parents we prepared for birth but nobody told us that the best will come in the next years and we need to learn so many things if we want to give a better enviroment for our children in a stresful context. I practice tools every day and in our case they work, the results happier children and better sleep.
By Bridgette F
•Mar 29, 2020
I really liked the course and the instructor but did not enjoy the peer graded assignment.People do not genuinely rate/grade other peer's assignments.People grade/rate others low on purpose for whatever their own reasons and not based on the work/course assignments quality.
By Pratibha B
•Nov 27, 2019
I my an owner of a preschool. While I was going through this course, I had started training my teachers what I learnt through it. As teachers started applying 'praise and points/star system' in the class we are able to see noticeable changes in the students. We are still working further.
I can not thank enough for this course. It is truly well structured to learn for any parent or teacher. This course answers almost all the questions considering the various aspects of challenges parents may face.
I am very happy that I have completed this course. Thank you very much for putting so much thoughts and efforts to prepare this course.
By Windsor T
•Nov 17, 2017
I highly recommend Dr. Kazdin's Everyday Parenting course to all parents and caregivers regardless of the age of the children they support. This course is the crescent wrench of courses in that it fits every one of the good and sometimes nutty parenting styles out there. The tools, techniques and explanations are presented in simple small doses. Every module has an Ah-ha moment. Someone with expertise is going to sharper their skill set and struggling parents will be able to clear some of the white noise that is frustrating for all. By applying more effective parenting methods they may reduce their own stress and have more substantive engagements across their child's developmental journey. -Windsor, step-dad to two boys, Public Health Advisor, Registered Nurse
By Eileen M
•Sep 1, 2021
This course, Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing by Dr. Alan E. Kazdin, Yale University was one of the best courses I've taken, in a long time of taking courses. Dr. Kazdin was right on point with his videos and quizzes. Very informative, easy reading of the text and questions.
I was able to gain a better understanding of everything I thought I already knew after working in a College setting Early Childhood Learning Lab for 22.5 Years.
I will share this course with my co workers, and the parents at our 4 schools, including the parents in my own family. I have grandchildren and great grandchildren who would stand to benefit from this course.
Yours Truly,
Eileen Murray
By Galina Z
•Nov 21, 2018
Thank you for the course. It was helpful for me as a parent and a professional teacher. Before starting the course I was an adept of some Russian and European scientific methods that don't allow any punishment at all and just a little praise in general. Dr. Alan E. Kazdin changed my attitude towards the praise and gave me some new concepts for "punishment". My parenting becomes more and more effective with practicing the tools I got from the course of Dr. Alan E. Kazdin. I recommend to read the optional articles, their content complements the videos with more concrete facts, tools and advises. With best regards towards Dr. Kazdin, Yale University and Coursera