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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Essentials of Global Health by Yale University

2,146 ratings

About the Course

Essentials of Global Health is a comprehensive introduction to global health. It is meant to introduce you to this topic in well-structured, clear and easy to understand ways. Much of the course will focus on five questions: What do people get sick, disabled and die from; Why do they suffer from these conditions? Which people are most affected? Why should we care about such concerns? What can be done to address key health issues, hopefully at least cost, as fast as possible, and in sustainable ways? The course will be global in coverage but with a focus on low- and middle-income countries, the health of the poor, and health disparities. Particular attention will be paid throughout the course to health systems issues, the linkages between health and development, and health matters related to global interdependence. The course will cover key concepts and frameworks but be practical in orientation. ESSENTIALS OF GLOBAL HEALTH WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course Learning Objectives By the end of the course, learners should be able to: • Articulate key public health concepts related to global health; • Analyze the key issues in global health from a number of perspectives; • Discuss with confidence the burden of disease in various regions of the world; how it varies by sex, age, and location; key risk factors for this burden; and how the disease burden can be addressed in cost-effective ways; • Assess key health disparities, especially as they relate to the health of low-income and marginalized people in low- and middle-income countries; • Outline the key actors and organizations in global health and the manner in which they cooperate to address critical global health concerns; • Review key global health challenges that are likely to arise in the coming decades. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Value Added of the Course The course seeks to add special value by being comprehensive, by handling each topic in a consistent framework, and by helping learners gain an understanding of well grounded approaches to assessing global health issues and what can be done to address them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Readings and other materials for Essentials of Global Health For almost every session of Essentials of Global Health, you will see: - Required readings - Recommended readings - Recommended videos We have selected a small number of readings for each session that are central to understanding the content of the session. We have put these under “required readings”. For each required reading, we have also indicated how carefully you should read the material and on what parts of the material you should focus your attention. In addition, we have selected some additional readings that would be very helpful to your understanding the content of each session. The first is a textbook, Global Health 101, third edition. This is a comprehensive introductory textbook that closely follows the content of this Essentials of Global Health course. We have indicated for each session what part of the book you should read. Using this textbook can be very valuable to your mastering the content of the course. The second set of “recommended readings” is some additional readings, mostly from journal articles and reports. For these, too, we have indicated how carefully you should read the material and on what parts of the material you should focus your attention. Learners should note that to access articles from The Lancet they will have to register with the Lancet, if they do not have online access to a library that has The Lancet. Once they are registered, they will be able to sign into The Lancet and access all of its free articles. We have also indicated for most sessions one or two videos that relate to the topic of the session. These are meant to help the learner get a better feel for the topic which is being covered. Most learners will find the videos brief, easy and enjoyable to watch, and very enlightening....

Top reviews


Jul 5, 2020

A very thoughtful and insightful course that help me to understand the global health, its key concept, challenges and cost effective strategies to address the issue in the global health perspectives.


Mar 18, 2017

It was one of the best courses I have done on coursera.Also the instructor explains detailed subject matter very well which makes it easier to understand the subject.Certainly a 10\10 for the course !

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1 - 25 of 485 Reviews for Essentials of Global Health

By Benjamin M V

Dec 5, 2017

This is the BEST course I've ever taken on Coursera! It's very complete, covers a very wide range of topics, has tons of mandatory and additional references for reading, the Prof. is very good at teaching, the visual production and materials are impeccable and the fact that it almost makes you feel like if you were sitting there in the very same classroom is an aspect that other courses should try to implement. It would be awesome if peer reviewed essays were required for this course.

If you want to learn about global and public health, this is the best way to introduce yourself to those topics.

By Prompiriya P

Apr 26, 2020

Magnificent course! I enjoyed every lectures by Professor Skolnik because the course was designed to be very rich in detail and scientific research from WHO, but with warm atmosphere and very simple/forgiving Quizzes for knowledge check through-and-through. Taking this course during the pandemic lockdown really helps with understanding of the disease and its implications and effects to our world and health. Even for someone like me who is not in scientific workfield.

One thing to be fixed would be that some Reading material link either does not work or, in Professor's Skolnik's text cases, does not exist on that website anymore.

By Maitreyee M

Mar 18, 2017

It was one of the best courses I have done on coursera.Also the instructor explains detailed subject matter very well which makes it easier to understand the subject.Certainly a 10\10 for the course !

By Bernardo C P

Dec 20, 2017

It is a comprehensive course, covering a broad range of topics and you can get a glimpse of nearly every subjects concerned with Global Health. Yet, the classes are very monotonous, not dynamic at all. The information is transmitted in the the same way every single class and after 3 or 4 classes into the course it starts getting boring and repetitive. Besides, in my opinion, many of the recommended articles are not relevant. The time dedicated to each reading is always way over underestimated as it will take you much more time than planned to go through everything if you wish to go that deep. The recommended book is very good though.

By Egoabata O

Aug 1, 2017

This course was very informative and easy to follow & understand. I have no background in global or public health but taking this course really helped me understand the topic better and grow m interest in the field. I definitely recommend this course to anyone who has an interest in global health.

By Anadela V Y

Jul 8, 2020

A significant topic for everyone, because health issues affect everyone. I was updated on the burden of disease issues, introduced me to new concepts, and learned more about efficient health systems, key ideas in public health/global health from different perspectives, and the health challenges that need to be addressed by governments and the global community.

It's a relatively lengthy course, but it's worth it and I feel fulfilled to have completed it. This is a very good course, with a very knowledgeable instructor and author Prof. Skolnik. This is for those who want to be active in the healthcare scene--community, national, or global, as well as for those who just want to gain more insights and awareness on healthcare issues and how we could better protect ourselves from diseases and disabilities, among others.

I would like to explore more about public health/global health after taking this course. I've always been interested in such topics.

Thank you, Yale University, Coursera, and Class Central, for this learning opportunity!

By Dang H T

Apr 25, 2020

The course is exceptionally wonderful for those who are not familiar with health background. It really helps to me to equip better knowledge of health issues in the world. I strongly recommend it.

By Jessica H

Apr 30, 2020

Note: I did not make it past week 1. In my opinion, the focuss is mainly on the USA and therefore to me does not address global health to the extent I would love to see it. This course is relevant if you are from the USA, but I deem it to be not very interesting for people outside the USA. Also, I was not a big fan of the reheased class interactions. A positive point is the teacher who clearly has knowledge about the topic.

By Lehar M

May 11, 2024

This course on global health is both enlightening and engaging, providing a comprehensive overview of crucial health issues affecting the poorest regions of the world. The content is well-structured, making complex topics like the development of drugs, diagnostics, and vaccines accessible and interesting. The real-world examples and discussions about technological advancements add depth and relevance, highlighting the urgent need for innovation in global health. Overall, it's an informative course that sparks genuine interest and calls to action for anyone concerned with improving health outcomes globally.

By Olutoun S

Aug 6, 2020

Richard was thorough and very practical. His course content cut across a lot of disease states and also included teachings from professionals from very important and essential health bodies/ agencies; people who had been/ still are on the field in different parts of the world.

I'll encourage those who can to take time in going through the course and actively participate in the discussions as well.

Thank you Richard!

By Noime P L

Apr 28, 2020

By far, one of the best course I have taken. I like how Professor Skolnik discussed each lesson throughout the whole course with vignettes in relation to the topic. Only the problems are some of the links to the readings are dead. But overall, still a great course to take. I learned a lot!

By Abigail S

May 17, 2020

A really comprehensive overview of the different areas of health - not just limited to the physical (diseases), but including accidents and injuries, mental health, nutrition, etc.

Really enjoyable course, good content, well-paced and excellent range of assessment materials.

By Norma A B H

Feb 28, 2018

Me parece un curso excelente, abarca muy bien el sistema de salud, sin embargo, me gustaría que abarcaran el tema de protección al planeta y cómo afecta económicamente, socialmente, y obviamente en la salud. Gracias, quedo muy satisfecha, y muy enriquecedor.


Jul 5, 2020

A very thoughtful and insightful course that help me to understand the global health, its key concept, challenges and cost effective strategies to address the issue in the global health perspectives.

By Aaliyah Y

Jun 1, 2021

An excellent course that covers the broad yet important topics surrounding global health. It truly highlights the necessities and simplifies some complex topics. I thoroughly enjoyed this course.


Oct 25, 2017

Very engaging course. I have gained in-depth knowledge on addressing issues that affect health globally. I recommend this course anytime, anywhere.


By Luigi N

May 17, 2018

I would have liked if some of the discussion prompts were mandatory. I answered a few but ultimately felt discouraged to answer most due to the lack of responses by peers. I would have enjoyed reading others' comments. However, I believe many, including myself, may not have answered discussion prompts because they all could have been answered using the videos. I think more students would respond if the prompts required critical thinking and analysis (e.g. using the vizhub visual to provide answers, which could be done for required quantitative questions too).

By budhota a

Aug 24, 2018

The course offered a detailed view about general health problems on a broad areas. From the course, we gain experience in some strategic thinking materials to design better health systems and take decisions to improve global health

By Marco d C A L S

Dec 14, 2017

Too basic I think. A bit old, need a second version.

By Andrea D

Jan 21, 2021

Excellent. One learns about health equity and the health status of people all over our world. The resources one is shown, are excellent, too, and it is also good to know about all the organizations and companies that intend and make an effort to improve global health equity. Just a note to add that it was written pre-Covid-19 times and the predictions and forecasts underpinning the sustainable development goals all need to be reassessed. It would be lovely to see a new revised edition of the book since many predicted the emergence of viruses in our times but not really in this form and at this scale. It does change the expectations of, for example, eliminating communicable diseases in especially high income countries. It also throws us back in low and middle income countries because it needs so much attention as well as resources and makes people who are vulnerable even more vulnerable.

By Bernhard M

Jun 5, 2021

Whether you will find this course great or just good depends on whether you intend to buy the book of the instructor or not and while this might sound like a negative, it's actually not. A lot of care was put into creating a comprehensive introduction to Global Health and you will have to invest some time if you really want to get into this topic and learn something even without the book and if you're already willing to do this, an even more comprehensive introduction like Skolnik's book is a reasonable addition to your book shelf to refine your knowledge even more anyway. The combination of both the course and the book was more than the sum of its parts for me, and while I'd say that you'll get a lot from this course by just taking one without the other, you will benefit even more if you combine the two.


Mar 15, 2024

Critics of Globalisation who need to pin-point the side effects of the heralded projects -- I think it was a dismal failure -- can surmise and explore the reasons.Global economic division that was carved accorded to the Big Ones are totally lacking in empathy and compassion. Diseases are prevalent so why encourage migration.I think it has to do with capitalism that is out-of-control than making the world better and fit for habitation.This course was seriously detailed but the Q & A sections when introducing new knowledge is remarkable.The presentation was deep but gets me. It was a breeze.Actually, I wasn't interested at first but this was the watershed moment. Easily to swallow chunks of information.

By Mariama S D

Jun 26, 2020

Essential of Global Health is an interesting and cross cutting course of all aspects of global and public health.

I have learnt amazing issues ranging from what people get sick, disabled, and die from to some topics on communicable and non communicable diseases, and lots more.

Most importantly, it is very crucial for anyone interested in working within the field of global health, especially in low and middle income countries, where the epidemiological transition is growing very high and communicable diseases are also issues of both public and global health concern.

Thank you Professor Scolnik for your efforts in ensuring that we gain up-to-date knowledge and skills in the field of global health.

By Francisco P

May 6, 2020

Definitely a 101 course on Global Health which you should take in case you're interested in the topic and want to kick-start that enthusiasm. Or maybe if you just want to dedicate several hours to the topic in order to have a global awareness of such a relevant matter in Health.

I applied for Financial Aid due to my interest in the course and, after knowing I had been accepted, I took some 7 days of intensive learning to complete the course, while also reading the suggested Global Health 101, which I believe was very positive.

I can't enough to Coursera and Yale University for this opportunity, which I will surely share among people with similar interests!


Oct 14, 2020

Really interesting course, got a lot of good topics about public and global health, really focusses on the important topics and the teacher is just very nice, motivating and really helpful in this lectures. The time that you will spend on this course does justice to what you are going to learn and It is all so good thought that you will enjoy every lecture and reading. Hope this motivates you to take this course, If you want to get into knowing about Public Health, Public policies and Global health, this is your chance, great experience.