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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Big data and Language 1 by Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)

128 ratings

About the Course

This course will be offered only until February 28th due to the professor's circumstances. Please do not apply for this course any longer. In this course, students will understand characteristics of language through big data. Students will learn how to collect and analyze big data, and find linguistic features from the data. A number of approaches to the linguistic analysis of written and spoken texts will be discussed. The class will consist of lecture videos which are approximately 1 hour and a quiz for each week. There will be a final project which requires students to conduct research on text data and language....

Top reviews


Aug 18, 2021

Great way to introduce basic concepts necessary for language analysis/corpus study. The presenter does a great job of breaking down some of the complicated concepts for beginners.


Dec 8, 2020

Although I already have a background in English and Linguistics, I was still able to learn some things and loved the entire pedagogical approach.

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