The Data Scientist’s Toolbox
Johns Hopkins University
This collection contains courses that feature Lab Sandbox—an in-browser cloud workspace pre-configured with the tools and packages that are relevant to the course. With Lab Sandbox, you can practice coding, work on programming assignments, run test cases, play with demo examples, and even build your own project. Start practicing job-relevant skills by enrolling in the courses with Lab Sandbox below or learn more about hands-on learning on Coursera.
This collection contains courses that feature Lab Sandbox—an in-browser cloud workspace pre-configured with the tools and packages that are relevant to the course. With Lab Sandbox, you can practice coding, work on programming assignments, run test cases, play with demo examples, and even build your own project. Start practicing job-relevant skills by enrolling in the courses with Lab Sandbox below or learn more about hands-on learning on Coursera.
These courses and Specializations have been hand-picked by the learning team at Coursera
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